Beer Profile: Anubis Imperial Porter by Laughing Dog Brewery


Profiled by Ken Carman for

Beer-Profile1-258x300This is supposed to be an Imperial Coffee Porter? Coffee, I get: almost espresso, but not quite. About 30 srm, black, but clarity for that srm good. Low side of medium body that clings, along with the coffee, to the roof of the mouth. Imperial? No, not really: one would expect more body and at least the slight sense of a higher abv.

This has a long lasting, tan, pillow head. The presentation was pleasing, for a robust with coffee. Well, perhaps a tad too much coffee for balance. Malt bill seems rather simple: pale, hint of chocolate, maybe splash of roasted barley… in no way as complex as even just a robust porter should be. I can only give it a 3. Nice. Pleasing. But, frankly, I think the consumer would be looking for, um, Imperial Porter?

86 at BA. Looks to me like they may have been hacked. A lot of lower scores then a few super high. I always find that suspicious. Rate Beer was even worse. A 97 yet I noticed quite a few in the 2 point range. A few jacked it up high… that’s even more suspicious.

Seriously, stop hacking the ratings folks. Thank God you can’t touch us here at PGA.

The nose is the best part. Anubis does smell like a robust: not Imperial, porter should. And the rest, well, OK, but not impressive enough for the style it’s supposed to be.

Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”

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