Beer Profile: The Breury, Trade Winds, Belgian Tripel with Thai Basil

Profiled by Ken Carman for

Image courtesy beer

Pepper-y taste up front: probably yeast/basil driven. Malt in the background, softly singing of a pale/pilsener mix. Hint of the white candy sugar driven, tad higher alcohol-like abv that the candy sugar tends to create. Rice is in here somewhere. A bit cloudy, some gold in an otherwise yellow quaff’ with plenty of head and foam: as expected. Mouthfeel a cross between spicy and creamy that slips easily down to the stomach. This is not a beer I’d want to do for a whole night, and I’d certainly share the bottle with someone It could get annoying after a while.

The body is moderate to almost light in the body and any malt sense stays way in the background. No hops sensed, but none expected.
I recommend for “something different.” It’s well brewed, and a nice spin off the style.

Recipe for White House Beer May Be Released

White House/Pete Souza

Posted by Kat Lucerno at

Site unclear regarding actual authorship

Beer enthusiasts may soon be able to craft their own version of the White House honey ale. That is, for a few thousand online signatures.

White House spokesperson Jay Carney recently announced on Twitter that the administration will unveil the beer’s recipe once a petition for this request receives 25,000 signatures by September 17.

As of writing this post, the petition still needs 16,055 signatures.
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