Ye Olde Scribe’s: Another WORST BEER IN THE WORLD

Looks wonderful, doesn’t it? Looks can be so deceiving.

Scribe bought 2 four packs. One was fabulous, the other qualifies for yet another “worst beer in the world.”

The can says, “Northway Brewing Co.,” but actually brewed by Glens Falls Brewing Company. Scribe can’t say anything about their other brews, just this on called Oat-Bituary.” It’s like the brewer chose too much roasted barley and combined it with too much black patent. What hops there are bitter and annoying. The best aspect is chewy oat sense way in the background.

Scribe has had worse beer, but for this edition “worst” applies. If Scribe had the time and the ability he’d line them all up and see which is THE worst, however they tend to disappear fast. Gee, wonder why?????????

The mouthfeel is annoying due to the other. However, Scribe can recommend Slushy XXL by North Brewing Company, Columbus, Indiana, if you like over the top fruit and chocolate/fudge beer. The fruit practically dances in the mouth.


Written by Franz Hofer

The rush of cool mountain air was bracing as I stepped off the train on the banks of the Schluchsee. A short bus ride later and I’d be in front of an old beer wagon laden with barrels, the coral-coloured Rothaus brewery rising up in the background. By then the fresh air was starting to warm, mingling fragrances of the forest with the aromas of brewing.

Anyone with even a passing acquaintance with German beer knows Rothaus, the Black Forest brewery with colourfully labeled bottles depicting a young woman in traditional dress. What fewer people know is that Rothaus is a short train ride from Freiburg, southwestern Germany’s city of Gothic spires, cobblestone lanes, and medieval gates.

Whether you’re coming from Switzerland in the south or points north in Germany, Freiburg makes for an ideal day or two of beer explorations before you venture into the heart of the Black Forest. After you’ve had your fill of Freiburg, it’s a mere 2 hours by train and bus to Rothaus.

The ride up from Freiburg is a like a curtain lifting on the hiking that awaits you in the region. The train traverses meadows tucked up against the rolling foothills of the Alps and trundles through narrow valleys with rushing waterfalls. Black Forest houses with distinctive sloped roofs and carved balconies dot the fields and cling to hillsides overlooking pristine lakes. Before the train ends its journey in the town of Seebrugg on the Schluchsee, you’ll pass the steely blue waters of Titisee and its resort village as well. It’s worth stopping off at either of these places if you have time. If not, get the bus that climbs up the steep and winding road to Rothaus.


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Hazy IPAs Aren’t Over, They’ve Just Found Equilibrium

In the four-plus decades of craft brewing, arguably no other style has more profoundly changed what and how we drink than the opaque, fruit-smoothie sweet IPAs New Englanders started brewing in the mid-2010s. Thanks to a flood of juicy new hop varieties bred for their tropicality, brewers used hazy IPAs to make us reassess bitterness. The colorful, geometric pint-sized cans sold over the counter of taprooms prompted us to rethink the beer bottle. And the weekly stream of new releases at our local brewery caused us to reconsider familiar old flagships.

But nearly a decade on, something has changed. Hazies haven’t gone away, but they don’t seem to cause the same giddy delirium they once did. In some quarters, they’ve even caused a counter-trend back to lip-smacking bitter IPAs or clear, sparkling lagers.

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