Beer Profile: Worthington’s White Shield

Image courtesy

Profiled by Tom Becham for

Beer-Profile1-258x300If you take a careful look at the labels on a bottle of Worthington’s White Shield, right away you know you’ve come across something special. It states that the beer is an India Pale Ale, but also says that it is bottle-conditioned, and carries a stamp from CAMRA (the UK organization “Campaign for real Ale) declaring it “real ale” (pretty much the same meaning as bottle-conditioned).

So, a bottle-conditioned, old school English IPA? Count me in!

But first things first. Understand that if you are an American Hophead IPA Lover, you will be disappointed by this beer. English IPA’s are notoriously milder on the bitterness side of things compared to their American brethren. As well, they tend to be lower in alcohol content, as well (White Shield clocks in at 5.6% ABV, while most American IPA’s START at 6.5%). The flavor of most English IPA’s comes across more like an America Pale Ale in both bitterness and malt backbone.

So, keeping that in mind, how does White Shield stack up?

Well, the color upon pouring is a pale amber, with the thick fizzy head typical of abottle-conditioned beers. Thin trails of carbonation keep rising to the top of the glass, probably for far longer than it would take for you to down a bottle of it.

The aroma is sublime, with an herbal/earthy hop aroma (I’m guessing East Kent Goldings, with perhaps a bit of Fuggles, as well) wafting out over an undertone of toffeeish malt. None of it is overwhelming, and it all melds seamlessly.

The taste is well-matched to the aroma, with a more aggressive – but still mild by American standards – hop being most prominent. It is slightly flowery, slightly herbal, and… has another note I can’t quite identify. The caramel-y malt backbone is obvious throughout, and has slight notes of Asian pear on the mid-palate.

The finish is short and clean, as is typical of English ales.

All in all, this is a masterwork of the subtle art of English brewing. It won’t blow you away with flavor, but if you want a well-balanced offering that will go well with food and that you can drink for a whole evening without getting drunk, and also being able to enjoy the flavor, White Shield is an excellent choice. An added bonus is that the crown cap is about the coolest one out there.

Welcome to the new PGA rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “prefecto.” This beer was rated…


U.S. Justice Department Sues to Block Merger That Would Unite Budweiser and Corona


Written by Don Cazentre for

The U.S. Justice Department today filed a lawsuit to block brewer Anheuser-Busch InBev from completing a takeover of Grupo Modelo, the Mexican brewing company that makes Corona among other beers.

Anheuser-Busch InBev already has a 50 percent stake in Modelo. The maker of Budweiser, Bud Light and other brands wants to spend $20.1 billion to purchase the remainder.

The Justice Department is concerned the proposed new company would violate anti-trust laws, and could lead to higher beer prices.
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Curing the Beer Tax That Ales Tennessee

Written by Jason Morgan for

“Nothing is certain but death and taxes,” as the old saying goes. But for small craft brewers trying to make it in a growing, competitive niche industry, new taxes could mean certain business death. Just ask Linus Hall, who opened Yazoo Brewing in 2003 to booming sales and national acclaim. Though his business continues to grow, Tennessee’s excessive tax policy is choking down the company’s business opportunities, including employment growth.


“I want to hire more people and invest more money in my business, but because of the tax, it makes it more difficult to do so.” — Linus Hall, owner of Yazoo Brewing.

“I want to hire more people and invest more money in my business, but because of the tax, it makes it more difficult to do so,” Hall said. “We’re growing, but just not as fast as we could have to keep up with consumer demand. The margins are just too small because of the 17 percent tax.”
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New Film About History of Beer in Brooklyn

Rheingold worker watches thousands of gallons of foaming beer gush onto the floor of the plant went down the sewer as company officials prepared to close the 119-year-old brewery in 1974. width=
Courtesy Robert Walker/Robert Walker/The New YorkTImes

Written by Mark Morales for The New York Daily News

A new documentary is taking Brooklyn back to it’s beer brewing roots.

The 50-minute film “Brewed in Brooklyn” gives beer history buffs a crash course in Brooklyn’s boozy past, from the first brewery that opened in the 1800’s all the way to present day home brews.

“At one time [Brooklyn] was the beer capitol of the United States, if not the world,” said filmmaker John Weber, 55. “It went from having roughly 50 breweries at the turn of the century to zero in 1977. It just seemed like such a great story to tell.”

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How Jimmy Carter Sparked the Craft Beer Revolution


Posted by Caleb at

beer historyAll of this buzz about Obama’s beer had me and a few coworkers thinking; while we’re down with Obama and his sweet honey homebrew, he’s merely a participant in an age-old tradition of making beer in the comfort of one’s own home. In fact, he doesn’t even do it himself. He has the White House kitchen staff doing the bulk of the brewing.

Our 39th President, Mr. James Carter, is the true homebrew hero; he and a lesser known man by the name of Alan Cranston, a veteran democratic senator from California. How so, you ask? Well, on October 14, 1978, Jimmy Carter signed the bill H.R. 1337, which contained an amendment sponsored by Alan Cranston. That amendment created an exemption from taxation of beer brewed at home for personal or family use. Essentially, it lifted regulations imposed by Prohibition laws over 50 years previous.
Continue reading “How Jimmy Carter Sparked the Craft Beer Revolution”

Buffalo: Local Beer Gets a Big Thumbs-Up

Courtesy of Community Beer Works

Written by Julia Burke for


Buffalo’s own Community Beer Works received much-deserved recognition on Friday when, an influential international beer-review site, named the nanobrewery “Best New Brewery” in New York State. Dubbed “the world’s largest beer competition,” RateBeer’s annual roundup of the greatest brewers and beers in the world tallies votes by the site’s reviewers, this year including 180,000 beers from over 13,000 brewers. Community Beer Works, located on Buffalo’s West Side, recieved the state’s best new brewery vote, , while legendary Chautauqua-area brewery Southern Tier received both “top brewer” and “best beer” for its much-lauded Choklat stout.
Continue reading “Buffalo: Local Beer Gets a Big Thumbs-Up”

Beer Profile: Knucklehead Barleywine from Bridgeport


Profiled by Ken Carman for

Beer-Profile1-258x300As the lady said at Midtown in Nashville, I too have never been all that impressed with Bridgeport beers. Some “OK,” some a tad less than “OK,” some a hint over “OK.” This is an oak aged Barleywine @”OK.” Oak nose: light. Amber with good clarity. Head lasts quite a while: pin point bubbles with a nice compliment of pillow. In bottle picking a hint of barleywine sweetness on the nose.

Mouthfeel: oak/wood cling with some sweet. Medium body with a hint of barleywine sweetness. Very thin for style. Needs more malt background. A bit sticky, but barleywine can get so. This is probably the only barleywine sense that matches other bws.

To be honest, this is a nice, but very one dimensional, barleywine. There’s a nice sweetness backed up by a amber/caramel malt sense. Taste-wise a weak barleywine at best. Bourbon barrel aged? Getting the oak but a very, very tiny hint of bourbon at best. Oak, oak, oak. Some sherry notes though I suspect that’s the bourbon. Hops way in the background, but not as crucial as the other way too background issues.

“Too restrained” comes to mind. Less bw than it should be.

The issue here is balance, though I’m curious what aging will do. The oak is obvios, everthing else takes a background and one would expect both aroma and mouthfeel to be more aggressive. To the taste more of an aggressive amber with aggressive oak.

Suggestion: get the barleywine right first, then the rest.

Welcome to the new PGA rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “prefecto.” This beer was rated…


It’s in the CAN

beer cans
On this day in 1935, canned beer makes its debut. In partnership with the American Can Company, the Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company delivered 2,000 cans of Krueger’s Finest Beer and Krueger’s Cream Ale to faithful Krueger drinkers in Richmond, Va. Ninety-one percent of the drinkers approved of the canned beer, driving Krueger to give the green light to further production.

(Courtesy History Magazine)