Brewer’s Profile

I’ll probably be writing more than a few of these myself, but I didn’t write this one. This is a very long article with many pages, but worth every sentence in my opinion. The names Dogfish and Brooklyn Brewing have echoed across brew world for somewhat different reasons. Sam Calagione at Dogfish has brewed; and created recipes, for some of the most extreme beers I have ever had.

I met him once at about 10pm. Loved to say I interviewed him, but let’s just say that Sam really does love beer. A man with tastes I can appreciate.

Most people like the Dogfish 90 minute IPA, for example. I do too, but I prefer the 120. That’s because my buds always are looking for a good kick in the taste department.
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The Brew Biz: Werts and All

Ken Carman is a BJCP judge; homebrewer since 1979, club member at Escambia Bay and Music City Homebrewers, who has been interviewing professional brewers all over the east coast for over 10 years. This edition of Brew Biz was originally published in The Score: a publication of Music City Brewers, two years ago. And republished here at PGA in 2009. It is a review of a fine brewpub in Connecticut.

Written by Ken Carman

Willimantic Brewing
967 Main Street
Willimantic, CT 06226
Phone: 860-423-6777

Brewer and co-owner: David Wollner

Going postal?

Hey, if Willimantic is “going postal” I’m all for stopping by this old post office started in 1909; surrounded by beers brewed to the extreme, and interesting menu entries identified by zip codes and outdated postal cliche’s. Besides, one person’s “outdated cliche…” …a little like saying “I’m repeating my repetition…” is another old man’s nostalgia. And I’m “old,” so it suits me fine.

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Brewing Tips

This edition was written by Brandon Jones; a member of Music City Brewers.

Cheap and Easy All Grain

(LTS Editor’s note: The Score is a publication of Music City Brewers, where this article first appeared.)

I had another article written for The Score but at the last minute I decided this maybe more helpful to the club in this economy.

You don’t need me to tell you how tight money is these days. You also don’t need me to tell you that in most cases all grain brewing will produce better beer than all extract brews and extract kits. Those are two very good reasons to go all grain right now. The misconception with all grain brewing is the cost and the level of difficulty. Going all grain can and will save you money while producing the best beer possible on your brew day. You do not need a giant stainless brewing sculpture or to spend thousands of dollars on equipment. In fact you can start saving money on your first batch and the equipment needed will probably cost less than an extract kit.
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