Club Update: Escambia Bay Brewers

Pensacola, FL/Emerald Coast area

Ralph was admitted to the West Florida hospital on Friday. His Hemoglobin was extremely low. He has been given several units of blood and is feeling much better. He thinks he will be released sometime Monday. He is in room 403 at West Florida hospital. Ralph is historically one of the most important members of our club and as had some impact on every member and a direct impact on most. Let’s all pray for his speedy recover. Yes I said the “P” word (pray). Hopefully the ACLU won’t be having me arrested in the next couple days!

See you this afternoon at Hopjacks.

Pat Johnson


Event: Beer Club Meeting
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009
Start Time: 4:00 pm
End Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Hopjacks Pub on Palafox Place
Details: Starts at 4:00pm. Bring Beer!!!

Hopjacks’ site

From Pat…

Beerfest – First off want to thank everyone that helped make the beer fest one of the best we’ve ever had (I already thanked God for the weather). It will be some time before we know how many folks attended and all the details but it was good. Everyone I spoke to said it was great and had NO complaints. The Beach event also went well and even the Sunday morning breakfast went off without a hitch.

Continue reading “Club Update: Escambia Bay Brewers”

Emerald Coast Beer Fest

The Professor would have pictures, but his camera was dead. One participant promised to send him pictures, so they will be posted when they arrive on the Professor’s digital doorstep.

Friday was a jam packed affair at the Seville Quarter, a French Quarter like restaurant in downtown Pensacola. There had to be thousands there sampling beer from the likes of Yazoo, Left Hand, McGuires, Abita, Dogfish, Oskar’s Blues: just to mention a few, and nine homebrew clubs from the Southeast and all across the Emerald Coast: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Days Inn had two buses running every 15 minutes back and forth between Pensacola Beach and Pensacola… taking revelers safely; often noisily, across two bridges.

Saturday started early with beach Olympics and plenty of beer… of course. It was overcast and rained occasionally: but that dampened no spirits; not even the corny keg kind. The beer was still marvelous. Then Saturday night there were at least 60 barleywine fanatics drooling over at least 50 high octane entries brought by one and all to Big Bob’s Barleywine Bash. To be honest there’s was enough that some will be brought back next year. For many it was a late night and a groggy morning.

More pictures may follow.

  McGuires bagpipes blessed the event as they do every year. (Picture from 08.)
McGuires bagpipes blessed the event as they do every year. (Picture from 08.)

Sprague Farm: Update

Wow! What a difference a year makes. The large, German beer hall-size, room that Brian showed us last time we were here is now an impressive, americanized, beer tasting space. It’s filled with brewania. I suggested they screw everything down: if I were less than honest I’d be tempted myself. This was confirmed by the fact that 30 of their unique beer steins: glass milk pints, had just been stolen a few days before I got there. Damn shame. I wanted to buy one.

The new tasting digs opened up about two and a half weeks from when we visited mid-August. The attention to detail is incredible if you’re looking for “unique,” which I usually do; like beer coasters made out of shale. Local? I forgot to ask, but I suspect so.
Continue reading “Sprague Farm: Update”

Do the Mash, the TURBID Mash?

Story and link courtesy of
Story and link courtesy of

The Professor is feeling a little TURBID today…

Turbid Mashing

As Belgian-inspired beers grow in popularity and continue to nudge their way into North American beer culture, the desire to brew better, more adventurous, creations pushes brewers forward to find the next best ingredient or yeast for the style. Sometimes, though, it may benefit the brewer to look backwards, to see how some beers were brewed historically. Turbid mashing is a method that is still practiced in a few smaller lambic breweries in Belgium, such as Cantillon and Boon. If you have interest in brewing lambic-styled beers, wit beers, low-gravity or small session beers — or you just want to try an experiment — then utilizing a turbid mash may push your Belgian-inspired beer to the next level.


Club Update: Music City Brewers

Nashville, TN

Just a reminder to book your rooms at the Holiday Inn Select-Opryland/Airport -for the MCB Brew-Off by September 9.

We strongly encourage those who plan to stay for the evening festivities on Friday and/or Saturday nights, October 9 and 10, to stay over at the hotel. The special room rate of $99 per night will expire after that date. See for reservations.

Also, please see for details for entries in the competition and for details regarding the dinner on Friday, October 9 with John Palmer as our guest speaker. You can also register there for the Pub Crawl on October 10. There will be a $5.00 fee for the van ride to the 4 pubs on the intinerary and they will bring you back to the hotel for the awards ceremony on Saturday night.
