At $160 a bottle, it’s beer, but not as you know it

Biero’s concept “beervault”: The vaults allow bottled beer to be transferred into pressure and temperature-controlled tubes that act like kegs to keep beer fresh.

Written by James Smith for

MANY proud fathers hold a ceremonial wetting of their newborn’s head; few do so with beer that costs $160 a stubby.

But when Mik Halse celebrated the arrival of son Oliver earlier this month, he saw it as an opportunity to treat his friends to two bottles from Scottish brewery BrewDog: Tactical Nuclear Penguin and Sink the Bismarck. As the former and current world-record holders for strongest beer made to date (32 per cent and 41 per cent respectively), they cost $150 and $160 a bottle.
Continue reading “At $160 a bottle, it’s beer, but not as you know it”

How To Get Your Dog to Fetch Beer

Written by Eric Rogers for

Owning a dog is a richly rewarding experience that improves the quality of one’s life in many fun ways. Dogs are tried and true companions… they encourage us to spend more time outdoors getting sun and exercise… they sleep at the foot of the bed, providing warmth on chilly winter nights… and if properly trained, they can be the best bartender you’ll never have to pay.  In fact, you can train your dog to do lots of cool tricks; once he’s mastered getting his master a beer, you can learn how to train your dog in basic obedience and other fun tricks with the excellent Dove Creswell’s Dog Training Online.

That’s right, YOU can train your pooch to fetch beers from your refrigerator in just a few easy steps. So whether you’re watching the big game, taking the edge off a busy day, or simply attempting to enter the Guinness Book of Records as “World’s Biggest Couch Potato”, Man’s Best Friend can help ensure you never have to move a muscle to keep the suds flowing: Continue reading “How To Get Your Dog to Fetch Beer”

Ye Olde Scribe’s BLAH Beer Report’

Image courtesy

Said the French Revolution executioner to his next victim: Washington Irving’s horsemen: “Head, what head?” Flat with just a slight fizz to the tongue.

This is about as boring an ale as one can get, though the base tastes like it would be good: carbonated. A light straw. Clear, Kind of weak urine-y in color. The only aroma is a light ale yeast sense: obviously English.

This is an all sorgham beer: no barley, no wheat. Light ale base: probably pale-like. Remember: no pale malt or any other malt would use. Hops? “We don’t need many stinkin hops!” Oh yes you do. There may be some in the background, but not enough to mention.

Scribe is all in favor of innovation. YOS understands that some wish to drink beer but can’t do gluten. He also has had many fine beers from St. Peter’s and loves the old fashioned oval bottles. But as for the rest of beer community: why the %$#@! bother? At least add some hop intrigue.They don’t have gluten, do they? If so, there have been other bittering/flavoring agents used over the history of brewing that could be added to make it less bland. Otherwise ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz………………… what was Scribe writing about?

“Yawn.” Scribe knows for a fact: you can do better than this, St. Peter. Otherwise give up your position at the gate on this one. Tis not heavenly at’ tall.

Barley Wine is Not Wine, and Other Metaphors for Life

Barley: eagerly waiting to be turned into barley wine

Written by Tom Becham

In the Cambridge Online Dictionary there are the following definitions:

beer noun: an alcoholic drink made from grain.

wine noun: an alcoholic drink which is usually made from grapes, but can also be made from other fruits or flowers.  It is made by fermenting the fruit with water and sugar.

In book after book about beer, I have seen barley wine referred to as, “not wine, of course, but beer.”