Beer Profile: Schlafly Porter

Profiled by Ken Carman for

Nice pillow head with tad rock: white. Nice garnet highlights, SRM about 28. Nice malt nose: dark malts with a slight sweet tang. Body light for Porter. Some Black Patent-like sense: slight, in mouthfeel. Hops: slight bitter not much else. Taste: malt with some bitter but kind of light for a Porter. I assume Robust, and definitely not a Brown. A Brown Porter would still be maltier and often a bit sweeter than this slight hint. Certainly no Black Patent sense.

This really needs more complex malt profile and heavier body. More like a Brown Ale with Black Patent. A beer looking for a style.

Beer Profile: Oude Boon Geuze

Profiled by Ken Carman for

I have had this before and been impressed. I understand that most quaffers won’t recognize this as “beer,” but to me Geuze… or “Gueuze…” can be the fine wine of beer: at least the lightest of wines. Highly carbonated with a carbonic, yet slightly acidic tingle. Hazy, medium yellow with a big rocky head that fades fast. Malts background and pilsner-ish.

Nose and taste is horse blanket and rhubarb: mostly rhubarb. For my palate the more horse blanket/barnyard renditions of the style are not all that pleasurable: though certainly suited to the style. This has just the right balance: especially for those who may hesitate when they read “barnyard” or “horse blanket” in style guidelines. No hops noticed, but not expected. With this type of Belgian or Flemish (about the same, but not quite.) beer it’s all about the yeast. If anyone thinks yeast simply produces alcohol they need to be introduced to Geuze and Sours.

Slight heavy to moderately heavy mouthfeel. Nice sour tang. If you want to offer a unique experience in beer world to your less experienced friends, this is it.

Brew Biz: Werts and All

Written by Ken Carman for

Review: Chardon BrewWorks

205 Main Street
Chardon, OH 44024
Ph 440-286-9001
Fax 440-286-1240

Tue – Thu ~ 3 pm – 10 pm
Fri – Sat ~ 3 pm – Midnight
Sun ~ 3 pm – 8 pm

Ken Carman is a BJCP judge; homebrewer since 1979, club member at Escambia Bay and Music City Homebrewers, who has been interviewing professional brewers all over the east coast for over 10 years.

You may have heard the bad news about a school shooting at the beginning of the year in Chardon, Ohio. I even wrote a column about it. I also remember it, not only because it happened on my birthday, February 27th, but because I pass through Chardon every year on the way to Cleveland for work. Well here’s some really good Chardon news…

Chardon, Ohio sits atop a ridge that’s not too far from what Jim Blum: local public radio personality who does a folk show at WKSU, calls, “The Mighty Cuyahoga River;” legendary in folk idiom. Perhaps only slightly less famous than Pete Seeger, the Clearwater and the Hudson. Both rivers have been cleaned up, one after it caught fire.
Continue reading “Brew Biz: Werts and All”

When It Comes to War, Beer Beats Silver and Gold

Now It's...

Written by Leslie Gevirtz for Reuters

(Reuters) – The Dutch drank their way to victory and independence from Spain in 1648 through the taxes they paid on beer, according to a report in the April issue of the Journal of American Association of Wine Economists.

Economists Koen Deconinck of the University of Leuven and Johann Swinnen of Stanford University wrote that taxes on beer “played a crucial role in financing the revolt … (and) were the single largest revenue source” for the outnumbered and outgunned Dutch, who were facing “the mightiest empire on earth.”
Continue reading “When It Comes to War, Beer Beats Silver and Gold”

Shake & Bake Hop Fried Chicken

Written by Sean Z. Paxton at


Oh yeah! The classic buttermilk fried chicken gone to the hopheads! By making a green buttermilk full of goodness, the chicken is also seasoned and begging for a beer, as both hops and malt are used in this recipe.

Makes: 1 chicken, 8 piece


1 free range organic chicken, washed, dried
1 quart buttermilk
1 bunch fresh thyme , washed, dried and chopped
1 bunch Italian leaf parsley, washed, dried and chopped
6 cloves garlic, peeled
2 tablespoons kosher salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
4 tablespoons Amarillo hop powder*

2 cups all-purpose flour, unbleached
1 cup malt flour (favorite brewers malt ground fine into a powder)
2 teaspoons kosher salt
2 teaspoons Amarillo hop powder*

6-10 cups vegetable shortening or lard

Continue reading “Shake & Bake Hop Fried Chicken”