Israeli Beer Lovers Foaming Over Rising Brew Tax

Ale to the chief!

With the beer-less days of Passover just past and the sweltering get-me-a-cold-drink summer months up ahead, it seemed a perfect time for Israeli beer lovers to gather. And so they did − coming together at a beer festival in Jaffa recently to celebrate the art of the homeland brew, compare hops and yeast notes, talk barley − and also complain about that buzzkill of a subject: taxes.

“Now, here is a surprising fact,” begins Shachar Hertz, 37, owner of “Beer and Beyond,” a company dedicated to promoting beer consumption in Israel that co-sponsored the event, together with a local bartending school. “Israel is, after Finland, the biggest per capita consumer of…” But, alas, no, he shakes his head, looking around the underground parking lot-turned-beer-cellar and festival venue. “Beer,” despite Hertz’s best efforts, is not the next word to roll of his tongue. It’s “vodka” − thanks in no small part to the Russian immigration of the past decades, and with some help from Tel Aviv bartenders who have turned late night vodka chasers into the must-have giveaway item of any self respecting bar.

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Brew Biz: Werts and All


Review: TimberCreek Tap & Table

11191 Highline Drive, Meadville, PA 16335

(This is Route 19, and right off Route 322. Route 322 is also route 6 at this point in PA)

Written by Ken Carman

  I was headed north for yet another tour and Millie, my wife, decided to tag along. The ball and chain was so hard to drag all the way… hey, I’m talking about the truck we were towing behind us. That “ball and chain!” Not my loving wife, Millie. (Whew, that was a good save.)
  No, goofing around aside, she want to check out a competition I judged at last year: AWOG, or “Amber Waves of Grain,” in Niagara Falls, NY. And she had some time she needed to take off from work, or lose it.
  Anywhosie, I checked out breweries and brewpubs we’d be close to before we went, other than The Church or Sprague in Pennsylvania: both of which we’ve tried and enjoyed. Mr. Google did a beer burp and came up with Voodoo Brewing. I even know the brewer: Matt Allyn, from a previous brew job in Titusville, PA at Four Sons. (Now called “Blue Canoe.”) I did a column on him and Four Sons a few years ago. But the hours didn’t work out for Millie to go there too. Besides, there was a second Google beer burp and…”Look, Millie! There’s this new brewpub and the pictures of the inside even look a little like the old Buckhead brewpub that was in Tallahassee!” Continue reading “Brew Biz: Werts and All”

Growler Revolution

With the increasing amount of draught only beers, growlers are becoming a must in today’s craft beer revolution. If you can’t find it in a bottle, how else are you going to be able to share your new favorite beer with your crew?

The need for transporting fresh beer goes back all the way to the late 1800s. Beer lovers would carry home beer from their local tavern in an open pail or hire a “Bucket Boy or Girl ” to deliver the beer to their home. Could you imagine that?

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I Feel Like Funkin’ It Up…Feel Like Funkin It Up!

Written by Brandon Jones for

Here I go again with the TV show ties…The title is a reference to a song by The Rebirth Brass Band most recently used in the show Treme‘ and one I heard live during a recent New Orleans trip.  Well I do feel like Funkin’ it up! I hope you do too because…..
yazoo-embracethefunkfest-relic2Here is the official announcement that on May 5th at Yazoo Brewing Company we are hosting a Funk Fest! We will feature multiple beers from our Embrace The Funk series plus a bunch of other funky/wild beers I was directly involved in selecting (even some selections from brewery friends of the blog!).
As many of you know one of the main purposes of this website is to help educate and attempt to show how wonderful these beer styles can be. So myself and Neil McCormick who is the “Beer Evangelist” at Yazoo have worked on an awesome line up that runs from one end of  Funk to the other end of Sour! Continue reading “I Feel Like Funkin’ It Up…Feel Like Funkin It Up!”

The Growler Saver

Every once in a while the professor comes across a product that makes him violate his “don’t give free advertising” rule. This one seems worth it…

What is a Growler Saver?

The Growler Saver is a Patent Pending cap that will ensure a draft-like beer pour out of a growler, even after breaking a growler’s original seal and opening it numerous times. Until I developed this cutting-edge industry-first design, draft beer stored in a growler could not retain its optimum freshness and the brewer’s intended carbonation levels, especially after the growler’s original seal was broken. Now, thanks to the Growler Saver, beer drinkers no longer have to consume an entire growler once they open it for the first time, or otherwise risk their beer tasting old, under carbonated, or full of off-flavors. With the Growler Saver, beer drinkers can open their growlers again and again, with the confidence that the beer inside will taste just as good as it did when it left the tap.
The Growler Saverâ„¢

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Beer Taste, Not Just Alcohol, Rewards Pleasure Centers in Brain: Study

beer-news10The taste of beer, even without any effect from alcohol, triggers a key reward chemical in the brain, according to a study on Monday that explores how people become hooked on booze.

Neurologists at the University of Indiana asked 49 men to drink either their favorite beer or Gatorade, a non-alcoholic sports drink, while their brains were scanned by positron emission tomography (PET).

The goal was to look at dopamine, a chemical in a part of the brain called the ventral striatum that gives the sensation of reward.

The beer was rationed out in tiny amounts — just 15 millilitres, or about one tablespoon, every 15 minutes — so that the brain could be scanned without the influence of alcohol.

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