Bringing Local Flavors to Your Pint

Bringing Local Flavors to Your Pint


“This is an amazing wheat,” I remarked, sipping an unfiltered beer at Topeka’s local microbrewery.

“Well, we are in Kansas,” my drinking buddy replied.

How true.

In a state known for sunflowers and wheat crops, it became clear that the beer in my hand should be fresh, vibrant and special—it should be the color of thick sunlight playing across a wheat field.

At Blind Tiger Brewery & Restaurant in Topeka, Ks., three of the six flagship beers are wheat based. The Raw Wheat and the Country Seat Wheat use grain purchased from a local farmer in Berryton. When John Dean, co-owner of the brewery, buys wheat, he easily recognizes its quality.

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Brew Biz: Werts and All

Written by Ken Carman for

The Topic: The Hop Experience: an Update, and Of Big Brews

  This is one of the ways we learn as homebrewers. We do, learn from the experience, then venture out to do, and brew, again.
  As you may have already read, a few weeks ago we did The Hop Experience in Clarksville, Tennessee. Hop pellets of different types were placed in bottles, “single hopped,” then resealed. Much later they were reopened and we assessed the differences in each hop.
 Miller was chosen for the last Experience and we all agreed that the corn sense, plus grassy-sense from bits and pieces of hop, made it less than satisfactory. Over carbonation got in the way too. That’s the short list.
 I knew, as a member of Music City Brewers, I would be getting some wort from Boscos on Big Brew Day, so I siphoned off two gallons and brought it to James Visger who boiled it for 30 minutes. Continue reading “Brew Biz: Werts and All”

Scientists Suggest Beer After a Workout

beer-news10(The Washington Times)


Researchers at Granada University in Spain have found that beer can help the body rehydrate better after a workout than water or Gatorade.

Professor Manuel Garzon also claimed the carbonation in beer helps to quench the thirst and that its carbohydrate content can help replace lost calories, The Telegraph reports.

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Rare Beers at the Flying Saucer’s 16th Anniversary Party

Memphis homebrewer and craft beer aficionado Charlie Patrick attended Saturday’s 16th anniversary party at the Flying Saucer. He tried 14 beers in all and filed this dispatch from the Downtown craft beer bar.

PGA NOTE: Yazoo’s collaboration Rufus is also a brew brought to you by Nashville’s King of the Sour: Brandon Jones, who posts at, and whose posts often appear here at Professor Goodales.

The Flying Saucer Memphis celebrated its 16th Anniversary in style this past Saturday. The concept was a tapping of sixteen special brews over sixteen hours. We went to check out the festivities. Here’s a rundown of the beers and our brief reviews. A special shout out, by the way, to our server, Sam, who helped us along the way.

Blackstone Tripel

Blackstone Tripel

Blackstone Tripel –

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Beer Profile: Striaght to Ale’s Liberation Barleywine


Profiles by Ken Carman for

Beer-Profile1-258x300This is simply impressive: and very much what they claim. Maybe just a tad dark for the style, but otherwise… wow! Pinpoint bubble head that holds, with some pillow. A deep brown, I’d say “light raisin-like.” Clarity good.

22oz. A collaboration with Blue Pants Brewing, Madison, Alabama and Yellowhammer Brewing, Madison, Alabama.

Neither ratebeer or beeradvocate have enough reviews to solidify at this time, but looks like BA might come in high, RB low. says…

Straight to Ale founders and brewmasters Dan Perry and Rick Tarvin went from making beer at home to doing it for a living in 2009 after winning a few home-brewing competitions. “We’ve always loved figuring out a recipe, then changing and perfecting it,” Dan says. “So after we won some awards, we got a little obsessed.”



…to see what says about Yellowhammer.


…for Blue Pants.

Did your pants turn blue?

We now return you to your regular beer profile here at Professor Goodales…

Great full mouthfeel with nice sweet malt taste… yet actual body is medium. It’s the abv combined with carmelization. Carmelized malt up front in the nose with a hint of sweet. This barleywine has more of a malt focus, as an English Barleywine should be. Brown, with deep garnet highlights. Good clarity. Alcoholic punch lingers in mouthfeel.

Taste: toasty malt sweet with beautiful Brown malt that also has been carmelized. This is so good I could live off of it. There’s a great malt complexity here that offers so much for anyone who tries it: must have one hell of a grain bill. And for those who are hops adverse: not really all that hoppy: again, as expected since American barleywines are more hop focused.

I gave it 4. If I could: 4.7. Buy one. Or two. Or three.


Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “prefecto.”

A Beer Judge’s Diary: War of the Wort, Starkville, Mississippi


Written by Ken Carman for

By Ken Carman
By Ken Carman
 I woke up at 12 midnight, Nashville time. I knew we had a long drive ahead and I had old-man-itis: no sleep syndrome. So by the time I gently prodded the angry bear; um, “wife,” awake without getting bit… too much, we were off to Starkville, Mississippi. The shortest route looked like down I-65 to Huntsville and over. Continue reading “A Beer Judge’s Diary: War of the Wort, Starkville, Mississippi”

Lester Black’s Black and Brewed: The Clarksville Carboys Brew it Their Own Way

Clarksville Carboys brew it their way

Homebrewers are America’s beer saviors. After Prohibition killed the production of quality beer in America it was the trailblazers in the homebrewing movement that brought good beer back to the barren American wasteland.

The biggest names in good American beer today — Sierra Nevada, Brooklyn Brewery, Samuel Adams and Dogfish Head to name a few — were born out of the homebrewing movement.

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Troy Casey of AC Golden Q&A Part 2

Written by Brandon Jones for


***A lot of great response from the first part of my Q&A with AC Golden brewer Troy Casey. So as promised last week here is part 2! Enjoy! ***

ETF: What’s the temp range and the swing of the barrels? I haven’t seen the barrel room, but you said it’s inside of the brewery, so I assume there’s not a whole lot of temp change. Where are you guys sitting, temp-wise, on the barrels?

troybarrelsTROY: When we started aging these beers, we knew we wanted to keep them isolated. So we had a room that we stored all our malt in, and that room had air conditioning, so that was very nice and appealing. The room that it’s in, two of the walls are directly next to outside. When you have a very, very cold winter, I recorded temps in the low 40s. In the summer, the outside temperature maybe in the 100s, and it’s in the heart of our brewery, so that’s even hotter than outside. We work right in the heart of the Golden Brewery. Even with the air conditioner running, we can get into the 80s. And if we trip a breaker, I wouldn’t want to know how hot it could get over the weekend. That really scared me when we first started doing this, you read the literature and the Belgians say you can’t let it get that hot, right? But after talking to other brewers–

ETF: Unless you’re Armand and everybody goes crazy for a hot Kriek…

Continue reading “Troy Casey of AC Golden Q&A Part 2”