From the Bottle Collection: Schmidt’s Bock

Without intent, I have collected well over 1,000 beer bottles since the early 70s. When something finally had to be done about the cheap paneling in this old modular, I had a choice. Tear down the walls while, oh, so carefully, replacing the often rotted 1X3s. Or: cover them with… The Bottle Collection.


 In the early 70s I headed off to college, having wet my whistle long before I was of age.
 Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned.
 Or just help me find more great craft beer.
 I thought I hated beer. Well, let’s just say beer was a cheap: somewhat tolerable, way to have a break between my Stingers, Lime Collins, Harvey Wallbangers and anything else someone would recommend. Like with beer, mixed drinks were an adventure. I didn’t like hard liquor, except really, really expensive Scotch: and I didn’t know that yet. So mixed drinks were all that was left to get a buzz on. Continue reading “From the Bottle Collection: Schmidt’s Bock”

In Times Square, a Bizarre Clash of Weed Man Versus Beer Man

There’s some folks good beer lovers, or pot lovers for that matter, would NEVER want to be associated with: PGA

beer-news10This is not an only in New York story.

This is an only in Times Square story, in a place where the Beer Man and the Weed Man in a Box can star as the principals; a different Weed Man can serve as the falsely accused; and Alien and the Predator can stand in as the witnesses to a low-rent attack in a high-rent district.

More than six months ago, the Weed Man in a Box, or Weed Head to some, began wandering around the pedestrian plaza at 46th Street and Seventh Avenue, a cardboard box on his head and a sign over his chest, cajoling cash from tourists with a simple pitch: “I am the weed man. I’m too sexy for you to see me.”

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The World’s First Twitter-Inspired Beer: #MashTag


A new beer from UK called #MashTag is the first alcoholic beverage inspired and created by users of social media.

British beer company Brew Dog has launched a drink that came out of fan votes to determine everything from its name and style to alcohol count. #MashTag is a 7.5% American Brown Ale, made with New Zealand hops and aged on hazelnuts and oak chips.

Want to read more? Please click…


Dogfish Head plans to return to Tennessee, Indiana, Wisconsin and Rhode Island in 2013 (Dogfish press release)

Dogfish Head logo


(Milton, DE) – Breaking news from Dogfish Head. Founder, Sam Calagione, just sent out this note via email.

beer-news10Hello there. As you might remember, in 2011, we made the difficult decision to scale back Dogfish Head’s distribution. With a heavy heart, we stopped sending beer to Tennessee, Indiana, Wisconsin and Rhode Island.

It wasn’t our goal to upset Dogfish Head fans and distributors, but with demand so far in front of supply, we just couldn’t brew enough beer. We were left with a choice: leave shelves empty and frustrate beer enthusiasts everywhere, or stay true to our off-centered roots, pull back, and focus on strong, smart growth.

We chose the latter, and although it caused some short-term disappointment, we’re glad we did. Dogfish Head is still family owned, we still brew 100 percent of our off-centered ales ourselves here in coastal Delaware, and we’re continuing to change the way people think about beer.

We have maintained double-digit growth in the past few years while investing in our brewery to increase capacity beyond the 200,000-bbl pace we are now at. This expansion will be completed in a few months, and we’ll finally have the capacity to reopen the markets we had to pull out of.

We’re happy to announce that we’ll be hunting for distribution partners and regional sales managers in those four states and plan to be on shelves and taps there before the end of the year. Continue reading “Dogfish Head plans to return to Tennessee, Indiana, Wisconsin and Rhode Island in 2013 (Dogfish press release)”

Beer Profile: Lips of Faith Puolt

Profiled by Ken Carman for

Beer-Profile1-258x300ploutA cross between and apricot and a plum, in case you’re curious.

BA rates it at 74. Rate Beer: 46.

What a stink! Lemony, plum-y, apricot and, oh, God… I can’t put it any other way: ass. Seriously, if you had diarrhea after eating a LOT of fruit fruit: this would be it.

This could also be identified as “green apple,” or acetaldeyhyde. But that’s not it. i’m going with a case of the plum/apricot runs.

All this covers malt, any hops (Guessing little: no bitter or floral that seems related. Fruity, citrusy hops might, obviously, be lost due to plout.)

Bud yellow, maybe srm 4 with great clarity. Pinpoint bubble head. Head fades fast but presentation is great.

Mouthfeel is plum with lots of carbonation. Nice full pilsner malt feel. The fruit provides most of that: sweet. 10%? More like 8% in feel, but I think they’re spot on. The sweet is apricot-like.

Taste: once I get it past my nose I noticed the fruit provides a nice, almost Cascade-ish, sense. If it weren’t for the nose, this could be quite pleasing. There’s a great sweet fruit sense. The carbonation fades fast, but the flavor lingers.,And, to be honest, the plout wore quickly into annoying. Still bubbly in an almost champagne way.

In some ways a fruit, somewhat cloying, version of a malt liquor without higher alcohol sense.

Wear your nose plugs.

I’d love to give it a 2, but 3 for the attempt.

Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “prefecto.”

A Beer Judge’s Diary: The Bluegrass Cup


Written by Ken Carman

 The first Bluegrass Cup where we judged was at a horse track. That sounds bad, but no: it was fun. And the horses didn’t even ask to share in the bubbly. They were too busy hoofing it, or being the “mane” attraction: depending on which version of “bad joke” you prefer.
 Lexington is one of the main, and most famous, horse capitals of beerjudge-258x300 (1)logothe country. Indeed it known as “the horse capital of the world” and “Thoroughbred City.” So it wasn’t surprising that’s where we judged this competition the first time. While it was a pleasant place to judge, I think we prefer where they hold it now: Shrewsbury Hall… part of Alltech; a local craft brewery.
   I remember there being many breweries pouring their beer on another level at the track, and a wide open judging area. In many ways, similar to some competitions we attended during those years, the fare’ that surrounded it was a bit party-like.
  But is that what beer competition is really about?
 Increasingly, I have observed, competitions are getting away from that model and more towards what The Bluegrass Cup has become.
 A wide open judging space with hard walls, like what I remember at the horse track, can make for a noisy environment: despite the natural contemplative nature of judging beer. Well, “natural” until there’s a gusher, or some entry stands out in a really good way… or not so grand, to be polite. And I have noticed: at a rare competition, the high gravity tables can tend to be a bit more noisy… only the lampshade hat wearing beer gods know why.
 So nicely half paneled walls, soft carpet and fine restaurant tablecloths, like at Shrewsbury Hall, really make for a better judging atmosphere overall. Continue reading “A Beer Judge’s Diary: The Bluegrass Cup”

Brewing Up the Kölsch

Written by Dee Gross for crazycow252

The brewing juices are flowing, and Husband is brewing with the enthusiasm of a wood nymph in an oak forests.  His latest endeavor is the honey Kölsch. Though this is his third brew of said German deliciousness, he thinks it will be his best.  The secret to this particular Kölsch is the balance between the sweetness of the honey and the bitter-floralness of the Hops.  The first batch was too sweet, the second batch was too hop-y, and hopefully, this batch will be just right.

The day seemed like it was full of beer-filled possibilities.  And best of all…


 we had help!  Husband suckered…I mean offered this learning opportunity to his dear friend Ryan.  I love getting to sit back and watch as the magic unfolds.



  Continue reading “Brewing Up the Kölsch”