The Wait for the No-Hangover Beer Continues


Interesting: acetaldehyde is a known defect in beer, and also maybe connected to a hangovers-PGA

Whether you’re watching the big game at your local bar or playing an intramural kickball game under the influence, beer and sports seem to be a natural pairing.

Even so, if you have one pint too many, you’ll be writhing in pain the next day because of nausea and headaches. Is there a way to drink your beer without the fear of the morning hangover?

Ben Desbrow, inspired by the beer-sports connection, ran an experiment to see how beer affected the balance of fluids in the body. Desbrow, a researcher at Griffith Health Institute in Australia, examined whether making beer more like Gatorade and adding some electrolytes would mitigate its alcohol’s tendency to dehydrate people who drink it.


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Budweiser is Most Popular Beer Among Injured ER Patients, Pilot Study Says

beer-news10Many people who end their Friday or Saturday nights in a hospital emergency room have been drinking alcohol. In fact, public health experts estimate that about one-third of all injury-related ER visits involved alcohol consumption.

But what, exactly, are people drinking? What types of alcohol and even what brands? Is there a direct link between advertising and marketing and later injury?

Until now, those questions have been unanswerable, frustrating alcohol epidemiology researchers. But if results of a pilot study conducted by researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health hold up, there may soon be a way to connect the dots.

When the Hopkins researchers surveyed ER patients who’d been drinking, they found that Budweiser was the number one brand consumed, followed Steel Reserve Malt Liquor, Colt 45 malt liquor, Bud Ice (another malt liquor), Bud Light, and a discount-priced vodka called Barton’s.

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Beaver River Beer Tastings

The Annual Beaver River Beer Tastings Will Be Held Saturday, August 24th and Saturday 31st @ 2pm at The Beaver River Lodge.

Also known as “the old hotel.” The 24th will be a casual affair with the number of beers offered varying with attendance. The second will be 30 plus beers from all over the world, homebrews PLUS several braggots.

For more information contact Ken Carman @ 315-376-6625


U.S. Postal Service Alcohol Delivery Idea Criticized By Merchants

US-Post-Office-logoOh, the beer run. That time-honored tradition of hopping in the car and heading to the local liquor establishment to replenish your supply of alcohol. Could it soon be a thing of the past?

It just might, at least that is what U.S. Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe is hoping for. He recently pitched the idea of allowing the U.S. Postal Service to deliver beer, wine and spirits to your doorstep. Donahoe claims the deliveries could raise as much as $50 million a year for the cash-strapped agency.

“There’s a lot of money to be made in shipping beer, wine and spirits,” Donahoe told the Associated Press. “We’d like to be in that business.”

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