The seventh Beaver River Beer Tasting was on August 31st at 2pm. As you can tell from the Brew Biz column posted after this it almost didn’t happen, but I will leave that all for my usual vent space.
At 2pm quaffers gathered at 168 Railroad Street: otherwise known as “The Carman Camp.” We probably had a total of 20-25 people: down from previous years, but with the circumstances, that was amazing. Mark Franey also brought two wines: a dry and a sweet Riesling, but I was too busy to get to try them. Ei! Continue reading “Beaver River Beer Tasting: 2013”
For Our Readers in New York State
Schumer Announces Legislation to Help Craft Brewers
New York’s senior U.S. Senator Charles Schumer was in Lake Placid today to tour a craft brewery and announce legislation that would cut the federal excise tax on the product.
New York State is one of the top five craft beer producers in the U.S., and Senator Charles Schumer is working to support what he says is one of the fastest growing industries in upstate New York.
Standing on the deck of the Lake Placid Pub and Brewery overlooking Mirror Lake, Senator Schumer said he is introducing the Small BREW – Brewer Reinvestment and Expanding Workforce Act.
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Sam Adams Creator Becomes Billionaire as Craft Beer Rises
Armed with a family recipe and a flair for marketing, C. James “Jim†Koch popularized craft beer in the U.S. and turned Boston Beer Co. into the second-largest American-owned brewery. It also made him a billionaire, as frothy sales of his flagship Samuel Adams brand helped Boston Beer shares double in the past year and reach a record high today.
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Brew Biz: Werts and All
The Topic: The Death and Rebirth of a Beer Tasting
Ken Carman is a BJCP judge; homebrewer since 1979, club member at Escambia Bay, Salt City and Music City Homebrewers, who has been interviewing professional brewers all over the east coast for over 10 years.
I think the first Beaver River Beer Tasting was in 2006, at The Beaver River Hotel: now called Beaver River Lodge. During those years, for a brief time, the tastings expanded to three different locations. The Labor Day beer tasting was always the most successful, with Millie, my wife, counting about 60-70 people at one point. For a town with no roads going to it, only accessible by boat, barge or trail: that’s incredible.
Beaver River Beer Tastings have always been a mix of commercial beers and homebrews: commercial examples bought, by myself, from stores like Yankee Spirits in Sturbridge, Beers of the World in Batavia, NY, Marcy Discount, in Marcy, NY, Tully’s in Wells, Maine and Midtown in Nashville. Basically stores all over the east coast: from Mississippi to Maine.
A few were from brewpubs who bottle their own or do growlers. All commercial examples had already been taxed and almost all had gone through distributors, the few exceptions: growlers and bottled examples from brewpubs. This year I had three, out of probably 200 different brews. Most years all were bought from stores who were supplied by distributors.
Of course, being a homebrewer and a member of three clubs homebrew was part of the mix. Continue reading “Brew Biz: Werts and All”
Craft Beer Breweries Nationwide
A Question About Big Beer
A Brief Brewer Profile: John Kimmich
Coming home from two months in the northeast, I discovered my coeditor for The Brew-Score, a publication of The Music City Brewers: otherwise known as my wife Millie, had stored what work she had done on The Brew Score on her work computer. While visiting her husband at their place in the Adirondacks they dumped EVERYTHING. What to do, what to do? Well, why not call our featured speaker for The Music City Brewoff? Besides, I’ll be away that weekend and judging in Albany, NY the next weekend, hell, I wanted to talk to him too! John Kimmich, pronounced “Kim-ick†according to the lady who answered the phone, NOT like “Kucinich,†was gracious enough to call back. We spoke briefly. I decided to share here that brief interview here at The Professor
Brewer Profile by Ken Carman
The call came in on my cell while I was balancing several things at the same time. I answered and fumbled for a pen, only to find a magic marker… that didn’t work. Oh, Interviewer, how awkward can we seem? Let me count the ways.
John’s voice didn’t disappoint. Looking at the picture I said to myself, “Are brewers getting younger, or am I just getting older? The last, I fear. I was only about 25 when I brewed my first. Continue reading “A Brief Brewer Profile: John Kimmich”
I Always Thought Beer’s Only For Drinking, I Figured Out I Was Wrong After Reading This
Beer is great for drinking, of course, but there are a lot of special uses for beer that you can try around the house. From the garden to the kitchen to the bathroom, here are 12 special uses for beer that might have you picking up an extra 6-pack the next time you go to the store.
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Mr. and Mrs. Moron Brew “Canadian”
That’s What You Get for Buying Bud LIte?
Houston Man Opens Case of Beer, Finds Snake
HOUSTON (KTRK) — Marcus Forson drinks Bud Light at most of his parties, and last week was no exception.
“I buy them either 20, 18s or 12s,” he said.
But a case of 18 he purchased last week held 19 items — only 18 of which were beers. He reached for a cold one and was shocked to find a snake wrapped around the bottles.
“When I first opened the box, his head was like this and his head was in between my fingers, and I didn’t know what it was at first,” Forson said, showing us how he reached into the 18-pack. “Then I realized now what it was.”
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