Austin: Twenty Beers and Breweries You Won’t Want to Miss

Another edition of SXSW is upon us. If you’re from out of town, or even if you live in Austin, the plethora of excellent craft beer possibilities can make drink decisions a little daunting. But fear not. I’ve put together a list of some of my favourites so you can easily find both the finest beers and purveyors of those brews.

Written by Franz Hofer for A Tempest in a Tankard

Tankards, Tankards, and More Tankards

How does it all shake out? Three tankards are up for grabs, and Tempest’s Tankards has all the details on how I approach evaluating beer.

A few notes:

•Austin is awash with some fine beverages…

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Beer Profile: Prairie Limo Tint


Profiled by Maria Devan

pgaprofilePours a mocha head of creamy thick foam that lasts on an opaque burnt caramel, dark brown body. Leaves sheets of shimmering lace as you drink.

Nose is roasty, milky. Sweet cream on roasted malts. Leather. Cocoa powder a nice light chocolate scent.

Taste is smooth and creamy. A big roasty malt that is so smooth and luscious. It tiptoes up to a touch of bitterness in that roast but stays shy. A silken caramel seems to come out of nowhere and glide over the back palate.

The mouthfeel is silken, creamy, soft, medium full and a touch chewy at times. Finish is sweet cream and roasted grains with chocolate on top.



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


___________________________________Beer HERE

mdMaria Devan lives in Ithaca, NY, atop a steep hill that would be great for sledding, if not for traffic. Roller skates would probably have to out of the question. She has been reviewing beer for many years, even with many homebrewers and other beer critics across the nation, on the web. We are very lucky to have her here at PGA.

Five Reasons Your Homebrew Doesn’t Suck


Recently, Esquire published an online article titled, “Why Nobody Wants to Drink Your Home-Brewed Beer.” In it, the author — a chef named Chris Dudley — gave five reasons that (according to him) your beer sucks. What the article exuded in in-your-face attitude, it lacked in understanding of how beer is brewed or knowledge of the actual problems most commonly detected in homebrews.

Dudley’s article is so dumb, I’m not even going to bother to go through it point by point and demolish it. If you’re reading this website, you likely don’t need my help understanding what a steaming pile of dung his article is. But I would like to issue this rebuttal.

One of the overarching mistakes Dudley makes is to paint all homebrew with a single brush stroke. I’ll begin my article by making the same mistake — albeit by assuming all homebrew is wonderful. (I’ll fix that at the end.) My point will be that I can write a far superior (and technically sound) article praising homebrew than he can write damning it. With that in mind, here are my five reasons your homebrew doesn’t suck.

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Brew Biz: Werts and All


Written by Ken Carman

The Topic: Palcohol… A Brave Brew World, or Not?

Ken Carman is a BJCP judge; homebrewer since 1979, club member at Escambia Bay, Clarksville Carboys and Music City Homebrewers, who has been interviewing professional brewers all over the east coast for close to 20 years.

  Palcohol. Certainly you’ve heard of this controversial powdered form of alcohol that was, essentially banned, then recently approved.
  Yup. Looks like cocaine.
  How it’s made is proprietary, though I would guess the process may be similar to how powdered coffee creamer is made. Just a guess from the guy whose father invented the liquid form, but talked a lot about how both kinds were made.
  Alarmists have wanted to keep it off our shelves because it would encourage underage drinking. Hey guys and gals: clue… that demon seeped out of Pandora’s Box long, long ago. Underage drinkers will get alcohol however they can. Does this make it easier? Eh, maybe a tad. But totally banning only encourages them to become more creative and takes essential control out of the hands of adults.
  But how does palcohol relate to beer? Continue reading “Brew Biz: Werts and All”

Inspection- Beer-y Interesting Controversy

Since, once again, we head into craft beer sue-land, here’s an archive edition of the column on the first, recent, controversy.-PGA

Ken  Have you noticed how some controversies morph and the drama eventually seems to become more drama queen?
 Have you noticed that maybe it’s serving those who do “battle” well: people are clicking on sites like mad, product is headed out the door even faster?
  Ever wonder if that was the plan by both sides all along? Continue reading “Inspection- Beer-y Interesting Controversy”

The 7 Beer Trends You Need to Know This Spring


Despite rumblings that we might be approaching a saturation point, America’s craft-brewing boom hasn’t slowed down a bit — there are now more than 3,000 breweries operating across the U.S., and the number continues to grow. It’s great for beer lovers, who get to choose from an increasing number of varieties. From brews inspired by ancient styles to entirely novel blends, here are seven hot U.S. beer trends to watch.

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Austin: Twenty Beers and Breweries You Won’t Want to Miss


Written by Franz Hofer for A Tempest in a Tankard

Another edition of SXSW is upon us. If you’re from out of town, or even if you live in Austin, the plethora of excellent craft beer possibilities can make drink decisions a little daunting. But fear not. I’ve put together a list of some of my favourites so you can easily find both the finest beers and purveyors of those brews.

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