Maria Devan Reviews Niagara Lager
Beer Profile: Fairport Brewing’s Brewer’s Reserve Barley Wine
Profiled by Ken Carman
Nose: sweet caramel, no hops sensed, hint of caramel That’s all. Simple Sweet.
Appearance: small head, very tiny cream bubbles, deep, dark copper.
Flavor: a LOT of caramel, hops lite: if any, no bitter… more hint of herbal fruit to hops.
Mouthfeel: a bit dry for the style, low side bitter, PEPPER phenols…lite. Tad sweet. No hops.
Overall: this is an interesting addition to the barley wine style but pepper is a tad problematic and lack of hop sense “OK” but seems hint out of style, especially if American. Dryness detracts from rich sense of a barley wine. More Brit in nature for a barley wine. Close, but no 4.A slightly disappointing entry from the Rochester, NY brewery.
Not enough reviews BA or RA
Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”
_______________________________Beer HERE
winged pine tree. His bark is worse than his flight.
The 50 Most Underrated Craft Breweries in the U.S.A.
Mispillion River Brewing – Milford, DE
Everyone and their mother is aware of the massive impact that Dogfish Head has had on the national craft brewing scene, and when it comes to Delaware one should also really acknowledge how important Iron Hill Brewery and its string of brewpubs has been to the state’s development. Mispillion River, meanwhile, was founded in 2013, and is the sort of scion that has grown out of the small state’s rapidly expanding craft beer community while taking the legacy of Dogfish Head to heart. Their year-round IPA Reach Around is a perfect companion beer to the classic 60 Minute, while the amusingly named Holy Crap! Imperial Red Ale feels a lot like an East Coast version of Oskar Blues tasty G’Knight. And those are just the year-rounders—the bigger family of Mispillion beers includes everything from a “mojito-inspired ale†to a tart orange Berliner weisse, a Harry Potter-inspired tripel and sweet potato pie beer in the fall, made with local produce. It’s just a well-balanced, creative, thriving brewery making serious forays into regional distribution. –Jim Vorel
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Beer Styles – Gose vs. Gueuze
If you’ve ever been out roaming among the beer hipsters of the beer-iverse, you’ve probably heard plenty of chatter about sour beers. While it seems like a conversation in an encrypted WWII language made to fool the Nazi’s, not everything us beer hipsters say is nonsense. Sour beers are a stronghold of the beer hipster, so if you want to stand any chance of finding out about or discussing the newest sours to hit the local beer shoppes, you need to know your styles. This will only focus on a small part of the sour beer world, but step one is pronunciation.
G-oh-suh (as in Van Gogh with a “suh†at the end)
G-er-zah (if you’re Belgian);
Goo-zuh (if you’re nasty);
G-oo-z (as in “goo†with a marketing firm’s urban “z†at the end)
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Real Wort Starters Overview
As an entry level brewer I did little more than buy a Whitelabs vial, bring it to 70ish degrees, gave it a good shake and pitched it into a carboy full of cool wort. Voila! It worked. Eventually, curiosity, evolution, the desire for better beer, or whatever we are calling it today, took over and I started really researching and experimenting with my process. I quickly (after about 2 batches) made the switch from extract to all-grain. I soon realized how much I really didn’t know about brewing and how many areas of my process needed attention.
I read through John Palmer’s How to Brew, and The Complete Joy of Home Brewing by Charlie Papazian. At the time, I figured the easiest change that I could make would be to start making yeast starters. I constructed a few stir-plates and began making starters with dry malt extract (DME). My fermentations started much sooner and typically finished more completely and with lower final gravity readings.
From DME to Real Wort For Starters
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Maria Devan: Genessee Brew House
Maria Devan Reviews Samuel Smiths Organic Lager
The Blackberry Farm Brewery: A Tennessee Miracle
For a far too brief a time, back in 1989 – 1991, I lived in Knoxville, Tennessee. I absolutely loved it there. Some of the best memories I own are of sitting on my back stoop in the evening, after a long day of pulling kudzu and reframing windows and doors, and looking out that long vista across downtown and out to Fountain City and Powell while sipping iced Red Zinger tea. A family I love very much lived right across the street and I was involved in starting a new regional theater company, from absolute scratch. It was a magical time…spoiled slightly by one major deficiency…
No beer. At least, no beer that a hard-core, life-long beer snob such as me would even think about drinking.
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A Big Merger May Flatten America’s Beer Market
ANHEUSER BUSCH-INBEV, the world’s largest brewer, recently made headlines by announcing that it would temporarily rename Budweiser, one of its best-selling beers, as America. It’s a curious name choice, not only because AB-InBev is based in Belgium, but also because of what the new name stands for: independence.
As Anheuser-Busch InBev looks to finalize a $107 billion merger with SABMiller, the world’s second-largest brewer, federal antitrust authorities need to weigh what this means for the growing number of small brewers and independent distributors who are driving the industry. Recent reports say that antitrust authorities are likely to approve the deal by the end of the month. If they do so without adequate protections, the merger could stifle consumer choice and choke off America’s beer renaissance.
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