Club Update: Escambia Bay Brewers

Pensacola Area

Years ago, the brew club met on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Begining Jan. 21st we will add to our club activities The Thursday Night Brewers Group. The purpose of the group is to share expertise & to sample and evaluate our latest creations. All adult beverages are eligible for sampling. No comercial beverages are allowed unless the brewer brings it. To attend you must bring something. We need volunteers to provide a place to meet. Mark & I will host the first 2 meetings and when the weather is OK we may meet at Pat’s shop. If you are interested please let me know. Only those who respond will recieve email regarding this group.     jim


Annual Chili cook off at Seville is Jan. 16. Brew club will have 2 teams. Team #1 will be Jim, Kellie, & Tracy. Team #2 will be new member Julie & TBA. Club will pay entry for all members who say they may come. Please RSVP ASAP. I will keep a list of those who respond and purchase an entry ticket for each one. If you do not RSVP your name will not be on the list and YOU can pay the $10 entry. cooks need to be there at 11am. Drinking begins when you get there. Chili tasting usually starts at 4pm.


Membership renewal for 2010 will be due Jan. 1. We already have 22 members paid for 2010. Dues are still only $20. If dues are not paid by March 31, you will have to fill out application, have it approved, and pay $50 new members dues & initiation fee. If you do not wish to renew membership please let me know and you will be removed from email lists. Pay at any club event or meeting.If you want you may pay by mail. Send check to:
Jim Martin
1727 Eagle St.
Cantonment, FL
make checks payable to EBH


For those into competition…
Style guidelines link. (From this link you can reach different categories.)

Lets all get things coordinated so that we “ALL” brew together on National Big Brew Day (May 1st, 2010). For more info on the history and specifics regarding the day you can go to the following website but the big deal or us is simply to do a large club gathering where we brew beer! We did one of these kinds of events at the Wisteria pub last year and had a blast. This would be a great time for new members to learn about brewing and a great time for everybody to brew, network, buy & sell some equipment. Click here for more information.

In 1988, May 7th was announced before Congress as National Homebrew Day. The American Homebrewers Association created Big Brew as an annual event to celebrate National Homebrew Day not only in the United States, but around the world. Big Brew is held each year on the first Saturday in May.

Pat Johnson

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