A Brief “Re-” Profile and a Great Louisville Multi-Tap

The original profile on this can be found HERE– Prof. GA

Image courtesy flickr.com

Style: Stout
Part of the 30 anniversary series at Sierra Nevada

By Ken Carman

You may remember I just profiled this beer. I had never had it on tap. This weekend my good friend, beer buddy and broaster of chicken extraordinaire, Drew Patterson, took me to Sergio’s World Beers in Louisville as I was traveling northward to perform in southern Ohio. After tasting it I E-mailed the Professor this update.

I was amazed at how the darker; almost brooding, more “Extra” than Extra Stout, or perhaps black patent-ish malt sense, that made me claim it was not a Stout for all, mellowed on tap. Not unexpected, but pleasing none the less. The only thing better would have been to have it on nitro or… better yet: hand pulled. My advise; if you can, get it on tap.

As far as Sergios goes, expect an article on it in the future: maybe the next few weeks if I do get a chance to stop by this month. After this month expect to hear more about brewpubs and brew activities in the great northeast. Having been to many multi-tap bars and restaurants, I promise you this Sergios is special and deserves more than this brief mention.

Sergio’s World Beers
1605 Story Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206 ·
Parking: 1553 Frankfort Ave.
Phone: (502) 618-BEER (2337)

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