Beer Profile: Adventurous Stranger Coffee Kolsch by Campanology Brewing, Waunakee, WI

Profiled by Ken Carman

Thick, very white, head that hold well with tiny bubbles and some pillow. Very hazy, urine yellow. The haze may be wheat, tho I really didn’t get any, or the cold pressed-like coffee. But it is supposed to be clear.

A lager-like aroma, no coffee aroma, pilsner-like malt. No hops sensed.

Some cold pressed coffee, which I think may have been the lager sense? Just a guess. The beer behind that is very light. This is more coffee than Kolsch and not much of that either. Slightest bitter. A little minerally.

Mouthfeel had moderate carbonation that fades fast with a hint of carbonic to it. The body is actually moderately light.

I’d love to try this as just a Kolsch. I am guessing it’s a tad like a lawnmower Kolsch. The Kolsch could use more but that would put it out of balance with the light coffee sense that dominates just a hint. Too cold and you don’t get it. Once it warms the coffee gently pops out.

46/83 Rate Beer/Not enough reviews on BA but so far heading towards about 3.3 out of 5

Not all that interesting, but good enough for a…



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


____________________Beer HERE


Ken Carman is a beer dog who slops up various styles as a beer judge, homebrewer and craft beer lover since the 70s all over the U.S.,especially the east coast. I mean the only way he could have done more would be an injection needle, and what’s the fun in that? That’s what he has morphed into the picture that you see to the left. Here at PGA we have to keep him on a tight leash. Very tight. We’re worried he may like it too much.

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