Affects of Beer on the Human Body

Written by Asahi Beer for

(Prof. GA- Originally published as “Affects of beer on body.” Changed only to specify “human body,’ and not original gravity, or final gravity.)

Most people often get confused about the advantages and disadvantages of drinking beer. According to the latest study, there are very few disadvantages compared to advantages of beer and there are so many people who like to drink it to remain healthy.

Most people often get confused about the advantages and disadvantages of drinking beer. According to the latest study, there are very few disadvantages compared to advantages of beer and there are so many people who like to drink it to remain healthy. Of course, there are several good affects of beer but one should understand the affects and health benefits in order to get proper knowledge about the drink. Of course it has some health benefits but if taken in limited quantity. There are numerous benefits of beer intake and here are some of the benefits that every one should know.

Essential Vitamins

The latest study has shown that beer contains some essential vitamins like B6 which are usually not available in most foods or beverages. It can be advantageous for the beer drinkers and it really reduces the risk of heart problems. It reduces the homocysteine level in the blood and heart patients should know the fact that homocysteine is the main thing which can be too dangerous for the heart patients.

Defying the affect of X-Rays

Beer can be advantageous in defying the affect of X-rays as it reduces the damage of chromosomes which causes due to exposure in to X-rays. The Japanese researchers conducted an experiment in Tokyo University in which they took blood samples of people who used to drink beer. After the experiment they revealed that the people who drink beer have fewer aberrations in their blood cells. So, it is always recommended to drink beer for the people who are in frequent exposure to X ? rays. However, it is not necessary to drink beer only; in fact they should take proper precautions in order to prevent X-rays radiations.

Slows Aging Process

The latest study in Austria?s University revealed that intake of beer slows down the aging process. Intake of beer causes the making of neopterin, a substance which is responsible to slow down the aging process. It works only, if the intake of beer is in limited quantity and if taken in huge quantity it can imbalance the immune system which results in further health loss.

Memory Booster

Swedish team of Neuropsychopharmacology revealed that beer intake can sharpen the memory but it does not mean that it is good for kids or teenagers. However, the fact is that the regular intake of beer can help in developing new nerve cells of brain. They also showed this experiment over mice and they believe that the new development of nerve cells is the main cause to sharpen the memory.

Helps in Reducing Kidney Stones

It is a fact and it is conducted by several researchers that beer can reduce the effect of kidney stones. The results of the experiment showed that the people who drink beer have 40 % lower risk of kidney stones.

Relaxed Body

Beer is the best alternative for the people who have hectic schedules or for those who get tired after coming from the office. So, these are some of the benefits of drinking beer but if someone is allergic to alcohol or beer, it is recommended to consult a doctor first in order to avoid further inconvenience.


Asahi Beer is the author of this article on Best Beer.
Find more information about Import Beer Online here.

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