Austin Beer Brewer Sells Epic 99-pack for $99

r620-bbeaa10d1aff6c02f68b6260f2bd97d0Anybody want to drive down I-35 with me?

Austin Beerworks in Austin, Tex. launched a new brew called the Peacemaker this week with probably the coolest promotion I’ve ever heard. They’re selling 99-packs of the new beer for $99 in various locations around Austin, according to the brewers’ website. Might have to double-check my math here but I do believe that averages out to roughly one dollar per beer.

The 99-pack clocked in at seven feet long and 82 pounds, so I’m going to need you to drive your truck ’cause that ain’t gonna fit in my Chevy Aveo.

So how is the beer, anyway? According to the video below, “it’s light, balanced, refreshing and very session-able.” Sounds like a winner to me.

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