Profiled by Ken Carman for PGA
If you remember my last A Beer Judge’s Diary where there was some mix up at the judge’s table, let me start by saying whatever happened I doubt this was what I judged v. the 312 clone the Wheat was supposed to be. While what I judged was a pale this seems to have little caramel malt in it.
What I judged that day a definite caramel malt sense to the body. That’s not this beer.
Clarity is a little hazy, but I believe that to be chill haze: it was in the freezer because I couldn’t wait.
This seems to be pure pale ale with hints in the aroma of grapefruit/citrus like-like hops.
The carbonation is low in the mouthfeel, but firm. There’s also a firm bitter, and slight, grapefruit cling.
As it warms I can tell there’s another hop in there, just a hint of earthy and perhaps a touch of spice so slight I can’t decide what it is. The hops, as it warms, skews towards the bitter.
Like the wheat version is somewhat of a simplistic quaff, lacking in sophistication. But if you’re looking for a simple pale ale this wouldn’t be a bad choice by any means, especially if looking for a break between more complex quaffs, or going what some call “lawnmower.”
Yes, if this were a profile I would give it a 4. In a way I hate to because there are far better pales for my palate’s preferences than this, but just “my palate” isn’t the point behind a decent review, or any judge’s assessment, is it?
If you’re looking for less in a pale, this just might be it. But if you’re looking for a 312 Pale clone, what I judged that day wouldn’t be it either. The malt bill was different, though pleasing.
4, simply because there may be those looking for this somewhat simplistic rendition of the style.
Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”
____________________________________Beer HERE
Ken Carman was born of a deity named Bill many moons ago when his wife Winnie was fermenting well at the time. He is a beer judge, beer writer and reviewer of brew-based business, beer commentator and BEER GOD. Do not challenge the one who ate too many hops one year, hence the green pigment you see to the left!