Beer Profile

Profiled by Ken Carman for Professor Goodales

I was expecting that grassy delightfulness that is a fresh hop ale. What I got was barely IPA, not “fresh hop” in any sense. More like your typical weak IPA with a thin mouthfeel, some malt in the aroma: yes, and taste? …some caramelization; though not all that much. Did they bottle the wrong product into this 22oz?

The clarity was questionable, with a low head that did last: pure pillow. No legs noticed. Light yellow.

Aroma light body/malt, hops faint citrus. Not much more.

Mouthfeel: carbonation right. Malt. Hop firm but not dominaint. The hop mix here, what there is, to be honest is not all that pleasant. As it warms gets brassy and a tad astringent. “Tad” of a “tad” from the start.

The label reads… triple hopped? They’re, right? Light body, though some caramel sense. Hops, what there were, were tad… spicy? Even if you were to buy this as an IPA you might be disappointed, wishing you’d bought Anchor’s Liberty instead.

I think 10 years ago this might have been more interested, but these days any decent hop head might fall asleep drinking this. Now I admit I came home to this after drinking. Boscos’ Hop Harvest: small brewpub chain in Tennesse and Arkansas. Now that was a true harvest ale.

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