Bottle image courtesy
Profiled by Ken Carman for
Nice pillow head that hangs on. SRM 30+. Head hangs on and on and rises very higher on every pour. Deep dark garnet clarity highlights: very nice.
Citrus nose: a bit orange-y. Nice hop balance in nose. Sweet malt background, but not as dark roasted as one would expect.
Nice full roasted body with a tad sweet malt: again… not quite as roasted as one would expect. Seems full body with nice malt complexity, but actually medium body. Complexity of malt lingers in mouthfeel with a nice deep malt sense, somewhat roasted.
Taste is a bit malt sweet with a firm medium dark malt sense and nice hop pop. Malt is velvety, both in mouthfeel and taste. All the malt blends into a smooth, palate caressing, quaff.
More of an APA Baltic, balance-wise. This is almost an ale, rather than lager… but acidic/sulfur lager yeast sense there: mostly swallowed by the well blended grain complexity. Blended so well hard to distinguish malts. As it warms it softens and malt comes out: yet lager yeast does too. It’s appropriate for the style, though curious why it swims up so vigorously out of the obvious malt complexity and the hop pop as it warms.
I’m not a fan of lager yeast, but do recommend. “Like” is not the issue here anyway. But even if you agree with me regarding lager yeast-sense, there’s enough here to keep pretty much any craft beer fan happy.
Kudos: liquid masterpiece.