Beer Profile: Fire Rock Pale Ale, Kona Brewing, Hawaii

Profiled by Ken Carman for

Pinpoint bubble head that lasts. Great clarity. SRM about 3, gold-ish. Bubbles rise through the liquid searching for the surface: probably why head holds so long.

The nose is nice citrus with a hint of grapefruit, caramelized malt with hop more upfront “by a nose.”

Mouthfeel nice caramelized malt with hops lingering. Carbonation light in mouthfeel but not in appearance.

However, once you get to the taste the sense of this beer changes. This is not just your typical citrus/American/grapefruity pale. There’s some hop spice back there and a slightly more specific sense of caramelization, almost like hot granite was used in the wort.

In a market where American Pale Ales have saturated the shelves, this is a bit unique. Give it a try!

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