Profiled by Ken Carman for
Brewed by Oskar Blues Brewing in Colorado. 8.7abv, 60 IBUS.
Red? More like a pale, color-wise, or IPA. Nice head, pillow mixed with slight rock. Head holds. A bit hazy, could be cold chill. Their site lists it as an Imperial Red and a Double IPA. A Double IPA would be hoppier and an Imperial Red should have more “Red,” and even more of a butterscotch, Irish/toffee sense.
Aroma: caramel malt-sense with grapefruit-y-like hops.
Nice full mouthfeel: probably Brit-like malts which can provide body and some unfermentable Slight carbonic tingle as carbonation flows over the tongue with a slight coat.
This really isn’t a red. And there’s a funny buzz going on in the background, taste-wise, that seems to be coming from the hops. A bit grassy is the sense I’m getting and drying on the hops. The “dry’s “OK,” but the grassy? Nah, if this were a fresh hop beer might be more appropriate. More of an IPA.A bit boozy, but the best part of this is the higher abv is well hidden behind the dry and, yes, the grass.
What I think happened here is that they didn’t know what the hell to call it. Really: a beer seeking a style but not quite making it, though IPA with a hidden ABV pop might be closest. Not bad, but there’s far better, and without it being a fresh hop, the grassy might be a bit annoying for those seeking any of the styles they claim that this beer should be.