Beer Profile: Gonzo Imperial Porter Gonzo Imperial Porter

Profiled by Maria Devan for Professor Goodales

pgaprofile GonzoPours a rich and dark. If it’s not completely black it may as well be because there are no hues and no edges. A thick creamy head of mocha colored foam graces the beer and lasts. leaves lace and plenty of bubbles to linger on top.

Nose is deep roast. Soft bready-ness with a caramel backing. Some bright dark fruits and a sweet bit of chocolate. There is a powerful vanilla on the nose but as fragrant as it is it does not dominate.

Taste is supple and full roast. Chocolate and a bit of nuttiness greets the palate. There’s a surprisingly bright dark fruit. This malt is substantial and faintly acrid. There is a smoothness to the flavors form the vanilla which is light on the palate. Creamy full mouthfeel with a touch of it’s weight from alcohol. The alcohol is a light warmth as this one finishes bitter with a only a small measure of the sweetness to linger.

Bold as brass!



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


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meMaria Devan lives in Ithaca, NY and is frequent reviewer of beer and a beer lover deluxe.

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