Beer Profile: Green Flash West Coast IPA

Profiled by Ken Carman for

A multi-hopped grapefruit sense grabbed the nose right up front with a caramel malt in the background. Freshness in the smell, as if hops were not “fresh” the the more recent green sense, just not old. Just right.

Pillow head that lingers, lingers, lingers. Great clarity. Light bronze/gold mix: about a 9 on srm scale. Head clings to glass. Mouthfeel a sharp hop pop that gently scrapes down the sides of the mouth. Hops dominate and linger, fading slowly into the aftertaste. Carbonation plentiful for the style and gives plenty of support to the already perfect body. Nice firm body, probably medium but caramel sense makes it seem heavier.

Taste: hops blend exactly with the caramel malt-like sense.

This is just about perfect for a West Coast IPA. The mouthfeel, aroma, taste and nose are all they should be.

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