Beer Profile: Hopsickle Imperial Ale

Profiled by Ken Carman

Moylan Brewing
Novato, Caifornia

I was warned that this was well over 100 IBUs. Not sure the hop mix here, but I doubt it. I was the willing victim of many Tim Rastetter ales in the 90s at Brew Works south of Cinci that really were well over 100 and, until I got used to them, had to be cut by moi’. Of course the hop mix is crucial. You could have a lot of citrus and floral but never really leave that satisfying burn that 100 IBUs delivers, even if it does peak over 100. And you can have a hell of a lot of burn but little substance to the hop mix that doesn’t reach 100. This comes close, so maybe it is, but the hop mix could be done better either way. Not bad at all. Just not the best one can do when one reaches the speed of light equivalent in hop-world: 100 and over. The Rastetter hop balance was always damn near perfect. This? Needs some tweaking.

Could also use just a tad more body for balance.

Light gold. Nice head. Enough body. Just a bit of burn to the mouthfeel. Clarity good. The hops pop out more when warm. Normal.

If you’re a hophead I recommend it. The body comment was specifically meant for this ale: not for my higher hop and better hop mix comments. The hop mix, as I mentioned, is tough. To do this well requires the hop equal of Mozart or Beethoven. A appreciated beer in hop world. Just needs more delicate dance to the hop mix.

According to the download of specs it also has Simcoe, Columbus, Chinook and Ahtanum. Yet the others on another location on site are not listed on their download except Cascade, which I got on the first whiff but didn’t comment: all too typical for American Imperial IPAs. Kind of odd their site lists two different hoppings.

Moylan’s site claims…

Moylan’s Hopsickle Imperial Ale- Triple Hoppy
This is a “Hop” tribute, worthy of a King’s Imperial Court! Enjoy the blast of fresh Tomahawk, Cascade and Centennial Hops as they stimulate the taste buds in a truly imperial fashion. Pucker Up! Alcohol 9.2% by Volume.

The download: Yamika’s Chinook, Simcoe, Cascade, Columbus, Ahtanum.
White Labs yeast: Chico
Malts 2 row Crystal 15L, 45L and Acidulated malt
1.094 OG (Could have sued more)
IBUs: just claims 100+

As per my previous comments” could use a more complex malt mix and higher gravity if not seeking a hop bomb and nothing else?

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