Beer Profile: Kona Longboard Island Lager

Profiled by Maria Devan for

Beer-Profile1-258x300Pours clear and softly golden with a flourish of bubbles and a fat white head that falls to a thin layer on top. Nose has the scent of light grain and some cut grass.

Hints of flaky biscuit in the nose and a subtle noble hop presence. Taste is surprisingly smooth.

It’s creamy and just rolls over the palate seemingly forever and without end.

A touch of herbal and hop bitterness takes this one to the finish almost dry. The biscuit is doughy and the grains start to stand out on the palate toward the end. The carbonation is ample but it does not disturb the creamy smoothness of this beer.

Overall I would call it earthy and a good and tasty lager. Mild overall and with a just enough hops to keep it interesting. My only criticism is that it’s a bit too soft for a lager. The doughy quality starts as smoothness but then drinks a bit heavier towards the end of the glass. It had some kind of sweetness like almonds in the very last moments after it warmed.


Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


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meMaria Devan lives in Ithaca, NY and is frequent reviewer of beer and a beer lover deluxe.

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