Beer Profile: Lazy Magnolia’s Gulf Porter

Profiled by Ken Carman

Last night we came home and cracked open the growler. Perhaps it was because we had just had a few beers but at first all we got was Black Patent: a bit ash tray-ish. That’s not a good start because you really have to over do Black Patent to get that comment out of me. Unlike many quaffers and homebrewers, I like Black Patent and use it in higher amounts than most.

Tonight we cracked the growl again and, yes, perhaps too much BP, but it seems more complex now. Nice head: even for a day after apple cider jug growler opened. Nice clarity. Nice deep malt aroma: more chocolate and/or Marris Otter-ish.

The taste is still a bit problematic. The hops provide a soft bitter that combines with the Black Patent in a annoying way. I think that adds to the burnt taste. The body needs a bit more. There’s also a sweetish/sour taste that I can’t quite place that seems like it might be a defect: a bit green rubber hose-ish… some describe it as band aid. Perhaps some phenols. Is this supposed to be smoked? Haven’t seen anything indicating that.

They declare on the growler that they’re special brand of yeast adds spiceness. I think it adds phenols. Try a different yeast? This is not as complex as claimed: more malt and a more complex malt mix is called for.

Don’t get me wrong. Taint horrible by any means, but it certainly needs tweaking. I enjoy Magnolia’s beers. We served their Southern Pecan at a beer festival in Pensacola. Not bad at all, though “pecan” is a bit of a misnomer, only because getting actual pecan flavor into a beer is problematic. Such a gentle flavor so many nuts would be used that the oils alone would probably interfere with the brewing process, head: etc. The sales person admitted it was more the malts they were referring to and that’s fine. tried their

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