Beer Profile: Long Trail Summer Ale

Image courtesy Bangor Daily News

Profiled by Maria Devan

Cheers you all.. My camera broke and my phone only has 2 mp. That is a real let down for me. Anyway, I am getting a new one but not today. New Beer Sunday is coming so I thought I would TELL you about Long Trail Summer Ale. In the old bjcp it says something about the kolsch style beer.

“To the untrained taster easily mistaken for a light lager, a somewhat subtle Pilsner, or perhaps a blonde ale.”

With the idea of the authenticity of the kolsch and the appellation designation in mind, calling your beer a blonde or simply an ale and presenting a kolsch might be entirely well done. I believe this is a great example of this bjcp statement. Pretty clear and softly golden with a white head that lasts well. The nose is fresh breaddy and has a graceful hop floral accented by a light fruity twang. It resembles the kolsch. Is that fruity ester a little too strong? It is slightly “wine like” anyway. Hops are a bit more than modest and the malt is creamy and round but not as breaddy as the pilsner. I would say the bubble gives that malt a bit of extra dryness. The hops are restrained in the finish and show no herbal. Just a clean medium bitterness. What is missing is the slight pucker in the kolsch. That would distinguish this beer and it is very subtle. Finishes bitter with hop pepper and crackery malt. A touch too much bite in the bubbles.

Fragrant and mild this is a lovely summer beer.



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


____________________Beer HERE



Profiled by Maria Devan who lives high on a hill over looking Ithaca, NY. Look! If you live in Ithaca there she is with her field glasses spying on you! Are you drinking a beer worthy of attention. Beware, she’s Ithaca’s beer police. Can’t you hear the siren on he bike as she rolls down the hill? We kid. She’s been writing for us for many years now. We’re lucky to have her.

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