Beer Profile: Modern Times (“Hoppy Tropical Wheat”)


Profiled by Maria Devan

Beer-Profile1-258x300This pours a hazy light orange with lemon yellow hues. Softly pastel with a thin head of loose foam that fell too fast to a very thin ring and left no lace.

Nose bounds out of the glass with pine! Then mango and stone fruits. A crisp dry wheat scent with a touch of sweetness and hinting at bread. Lightly floral but to really intrigue this beer has a touch of hearty green herbal on it. Taste is light and bountiful with fruit. Mango, apricot, some tangerine. Brilliantly light on the palate.

The malt is a crisp wheat cracker that’s not too sweet. The herbal is the stuff that could have made onion but it stayed just shy and is delightful because it did not reach an oniony flavor. Faint little bit of pepper in the finish and as this warms a honey like scent. There is a hop bitter but it’s gentle and starts in the mid palate. The pine is earthy and prominent. There is a touch of sour undertaste to the malt. By the time it gets to the short finish it’s practically gone and this drinks like a dream. Refreshing, juicy and drinks and so easily you could have a dozen of these in a day and not get bored.



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


___________________________________________Beer HERE

meMaria Devan lives in Ithaca, NY and is frequent reviewer of beer and a beer lover deluxe.

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