Beer Profile: New Belgium’s Le Terroir Dry Hopped Belgian Ale

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Profiled by Ken Carman

Cascade caramelized malt nose in the bottle. Pale, almost Bud, color. Clarity very good. Head pillow and lasts. More Cascade, somewhat Chinook-ish, nose in the glass: less malt. Grapefruit nose: light. Medium-light body.

Part of the “Lips of Faith” series.

Taste: grapefruit sour which also dominates the mouthfeel. Lime might also describe the sour sense. Light but adequate body. Mostly pilsner malt?

I am not a New Belgian fan. I tend to find their beers inadequate to fair: occasionally good. This is probably the best NB I have ever had. The balance between the Flemish like sour and the grapefruit is damn near perfect. The malt supports but only provides a slight frame, or stage, for the star: the sour, grapefruit, hop balance.


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