Profiled by Ken Carman for
Appearance: nice brown: probably in the mid=20s, srm-wise, with head fading fast… not unexpected. Pillow head with some clarity but a slight haze: probably chill since I had to put in freezer.
Mouthfeel: nice carmelized sense with a full body sense due to that, a little sweet and clings to the roof of the mouth. The mouthfeel is pretty much spot on, though maybe a hint more of abv might help.
Taste: here is where it falls. Everything is right except someone added too much hops for the style. As it warms it bounces between the hops and a more appropriate Scottish ale sense. Back and forth. Could also use a higher abv sense for the style: as I mentioned. The hops seem Centennial-ish. Malt sweet, as expected, but when the hops popthey distract from that all important Scottish Ale characteristic.
A close try at a 4. maybe a 3.8? But I can only give it a 3. That may seem unfair, but the Professor has explained to me that 1-5 rating is meant to make the reviewer come firmly down as possible when rating a beer. We can mention increments of, say .5, but it needs to be 1-5. Now, if they cut back on the hops, raised the avb a hint, and they might get close a 5.