Profiled by Ken Carman for PGA
This is a multigrain beer that for the grist uses a lot of buckwheat. I was curious about buckwheat itself, since I use buckwheat honey. Let’s just say I may still use a hint, but not that impressed. It also uses a crystal malt and and Metcalfe malt: 2 row.
Clarity great except a very slight haze at about 3 srm: deep gold. Rock head: big with tad pillow that fades very, very fast.
Nose: buckwheat. That’s it.
Mouthfeel: feels full but that’s buckwheat. I would call it high side of light or low of medium. Carbonation very light, but this was from a tap into a Grolsch bottle.
Taste: buckwheat and hint of caramel malt. The hop is mostly a slightly sharp bitter. This is a quaff so simple that it’s an interesting attempt, but not all that “interesting” compared to all that’s on the shelf thee days. I get the mouthful-ness of the buckwheat and some slight caramel malt way in the background: weak at best. Hops? A hint of bitter at best. No esters from what would normally be a late addition or two. Buckwheat, light carbonation, slight bitter: that’s pretty much it. Needs more overall complexity.
Rate Beer has it at 61, 63 for style and BA: 80.
This is in no way problematic, just not all that interesting. However could be a great breakout beer for the craft beer hesitant.
Score for BJCP score sheet: 28, maybe 29.
3.8 on PGA scale.