Beer Profile: Ruthless Rye, Sierra Nevada

Profiled by Ken Carman for

Aroma: citrus grapefruit Cascade/Centennial-ish, But there’s a subtle rye sense: spicy; seems to balance the citrus with a hint of pepper: probably the rye. Visual: copper, pillow head with a hint of rock. Clarity good.

Mouthfeel caramel chewy: slight malt heaviness but, to be honest… this is moderate in body. Sweet, yet firm dry sense without being over bearing.

I have had many Sierra beers, but this is one of the best balanced when it comes to Specialty. It’s a nice IPA with a good background spicy rye sense: a bit peppery.

This beer is deceptive: you would think a rather simple brew… but not. There’s a great body and a nice background rye sense that merges well with the American-citrus-like hops

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