Profiled by Ken Carman for
Once again, something unique from Saranac, and more balanced than the last I profiled: White IPA. Most Nut Browns are ales. Note: my usual readers will know I am no fan of lagers, but the usual sulfur/acidic-ness seems softer here, way in the background. There’s a very nice caramel, nutty, texture to the malt profile, the hops a soft bitter only. This could qualify as a Northern Brown, only a bit more gentle and minus the usual fruity ale yeast notes.
Head: plentiful and pillow. Clings to glass and lingers. Great clarity. SRM about a 11 or 12.
Mouthfeel: on the low side, medium body with plenty of melanoidins floating around.
Nose: nice caramel-ish malt, hint of lager yeast sharpness, no hops in nose.
This is an excellent quaff, and just right for a pint or two tingles the tongue while caressing the palate with a slight carbonic bite.