Beer Profile: Schlafly Coffee Stout

Profiled by Ken Carman for

The Saint Louis Brewery, Saint Louis Missouri

Slight tan head, mostly pillow. Great clarity w/ruby highlights. Head lasts even in small 4OZ glass. Nose: coffee, sweet-ish . Mouthfeel just a tad oatmeal chewy, full body with some roast. Taste: roast, no hops sensed: period. Just a hint of lactose in the taste and some sweet. Close to a Milk Stout, but not not quite. Espresso lingers lightly in the taste.

This is an excellent Stout, and fairly complex with the sweet, the coffee, the roast and the body. Seems to cross the bridge between Milk, Robust and Oatmeal. Not a Dry. There is also a hint of Guinness like sour.


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