Beer Profile: Straight to Ale’s Hellfire

Profiled by Ken Carman for

Beer-Profile1-258x300Firm pillow head: lots of. Great clarity, brown: mid 20s SRM… tad dark for a Quad. Great highlights.

Nose: white Belgian candy sugar sense up front. Sweet in back ground with some pale malt in background.

Sweet mouthfeel: full with a Trappist yeast sense… slight sweet tart funk. Firm caremilized malt behind that fills the mouth just a tad. carbonation slight: low in body. For the style I believe this is off. Should be well carbonated in the body. Nice alcoholic warmth.

Guessing about 8.5 abv or 9.

This is meant to be similar in strength to a dubbel, but in character more like a strong dark among Belgian beers.

Taste: this is classic Belgian yeast: Trappist-like with a tart tang. Malt is both sweet and malty. Nice and complex character that would do well by a fire with your faithful dog by your side. Little bitter, as expected. Medium dry: in that sense more like an Abbey version. There’s a sense of currants, or plums. Perhaps a bit more like prunes.

Overall, with a few off style skews that are slight: very good. A 4…


Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “prefecto.”

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