Beer Profile: Stumptown Tart, Bridgeport Brewery

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Profiled by Ken Carman

Portland, Oregon
Strawberry additions

I suspect these strawberry additions were a bit late, for this has more strawberry nose than taste. And the “tart” seems more lactic like, though the bottle says nothing about this. If the strawberries had produced this tart there would be more to the taste. It also seems a tad lambic/Flemish sour like. One has to ask: could strawberries even provide this much tart? That’s why I’m guessing there may be some Brett, or lactic, here that provides the tart.

Or they tossed the lady on the label into the vat. She certainly seemed a bit of a “tart.”

Mouthfeel is somewhat tart and light malt sense.

Nice clarity. Light yellow. Tons of rocky head that lasts.

It is exactly what it says it is, but really not all that much more. Could use just a bit more malt complexity to make it a more interesting quaff. But not bad. Not bad at all.

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