Profiled by Ken Carman
This is not quite your standard American IPA. The hops are a bit more earthy and also Noble in character. There’s also just a bit of high alpha sense: but by no means enough to spoil the style. Just enough to tantalize the taste buds.
Poured with rocky head that faded fast. A bit better, but still faded fast with cold bottle sampled a few nights later.
Light copper with a head that fades fast it has just a bit caramel to nose and the palette. Though some caramel the body is pretty light. Hops dominate. Obvious dry hopping. High alpha are Galena like. Maybe Amarillo, Fuggles and a Saaz twist? Just a few guesses.
The sample I had as I wrote this was warm. I have had it cold: indeed I recommend it that way. Slight astringency noticeable when warm. Hops cling to roof of mouth and linger. Not quite as much cold.
I’m not sure this is an IPA for everyone, but it is an interesting take on the standard Americanized IPA.