Beer Profile: Two Hearted Ale


Profiled by Ken Carman for

Here’s another beer I had years ago. I’m going over old beers that others have raved about and I always wondered why. The palate changes, and mine is always being “educated:” as everyone’s palate is… whether their ego will let them admit to such or not.

Head pillow with tad rock, srm 2-3: solid gold. Clarity a bit hazy, but I’m assuming chill haze. I keep a cold fridge. Head holds.

This is another case of, “Wow.” Nice sweet hop nose that’s a bit Cascade-like. Mouthfeel caramelized malt with nice hop balance: grapefruit-like. These hops may be a tad old, but not the brewers fault. This bottle changed hands a few times. Carbonation low to moderate. Taste hops, malt, hops and firm body supporting with a caramelized tang.

Pretty much perfect for a solid Pale Ale.

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