Beer Profile: Yuengling Traditional Amber Lager


Profiled by Maria Devan for PGA

Beer-Profile1-258x300Pours a beautiful amber with good clarity and a head of loose but creamy foam that falls fast. Nose is enticing with a light sweet grain , a touch herbal and grass, plus a bit of light citrus faintly in the background. The taste is darn good. This beer has a mouthfeel that is light and thin but a flavor that is very full. The citrus stays int he background and the bitterness from the grass is light. The sweet grain comes close to caramel but stops appropriately and stays a crisp and very clean lager. Sweet, grassy and light with plenty of flavor. You could drink this all day.



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


_________________________________________Beer HERE

meMaria Devan lives in Ithaca, NY and is frequent reviewer of beer and a beer lover deluxe.

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