Beer Profiles: Uinita Detour IPA and Crooked Stave’s Trellis Buster

Profiled by Ken Carman

It’s a profile off! I thought these so similar that it would be fun to do this.

Crooked Stave Trellis Buster

For all the promo on the can this is NOT a double taste abv mouthfeel wise, or hop-wise. It IS a well balanced IPA with a very interesting hopping, if you accept the caramel. There is some significant caramel malt-like sense in this. I like it, but not the point. The body is low side medium, but the malt makes it seem higher. Carbonation is medium. The caramel malt sense on this heads out of style, really, as it warms.

I like it, but I would think traditionalists would be annoyed by all the caramel. Aroma is caramel and a very fresh hop sense. The hops are quite fruity in a tangerine/orange way. Reminds me of using those fruits instead of apple for a caramel apple one might get at a carnival. As it warms bitter comes out, but it’s still background. Finishes moderate: not quite sweet, not quite dry.

Head retention poor. Head color off white. Almost no head.

Very hazy as in NEIPA-haze. No clarity. Gold-ish yellow. Bubbles cling to side of glass desperately. Head does not hold. I would recommend just the slightest hint of high alpha acid hops just to change head retention, more if you really want Imperial AND more fermentables to get abv up: a better b-amylase rest may help to break up some of those complex bonds: 131-159. I would go lower.

But I would keep it as it is and just call it an NEIPA. It’s good, even close to phenomenal. Just not a DIPA. Does not declare NEIPA but with all the fruit and haze. Would that be a “DNEIPA?”

I simply can’t give it a better rating because it is not as claimed. I would call it a 4. I wish I could do better: I would drink several of these. Also if they want “brewed with more hops” sense they declared they need to add more bitter, and more intensity. I like it the way it is, but more just an IPA.

4.05 on BA
3.9 Untappd
3.6 Rate Beer



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


__________________________Beer HERE

Uinita Detour IPA

This almost the same beer as Crooked Stave’s Trellis Buster just slightly less haze, a little less body.

The aroma has no caramel, has a similar fruity sense, but the taste definitely has caramel; though nowhere near as much. This is basically a lighter version. The fruit is, again, tangerine/orange. The warmer it gets, like Crooked’s Trellis, the more caramel and the more bitter. It is less intense. Finishes just a hint sweet, which is also hint off style, but not enough to be that problematic.

This isn’t an Imperial either, IMO, flavor and palate-wise. If the abv listed is right KUDOS for hiding that so well, so I only dropped this .1 below the other.

Head retention poor. Head color off white. Almost no head.

Light side medium body The malt is slight caramel and pale. The taste of the hop fruit is, again, tangerine/orange-ish. This is well balanced and has no DIPA/IPA confusion going.

Appearance is a hazy gold with little clarity. Head is foam pillow with a few bubbles and it doesn’t last long.

This is simple, if an IPA. Like the other does not declare NEIPA version of imperial, but I suspect so. I would drink a couple, but if I had to choose between the two I’d chose the Stave. Just more “me.”

Again: slight sweet finish…

3.8 on BA
3.8 Untappd
3.7 Rate Beer



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


________________________Beer HERE

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