Club News: Music City Brewers

Nashville, TN area

Hi Club Members-
I wanted to make sure you guys knew about this cool offer that we can get.
In honor of Big Brew 2009, when join the American Homebrewers Association or renew your membership ( you will receive a free copy of Brewing Classic Styles by Jamil Zainasheff and John Palmer. Remember John is coming to our competition this year!

Simply order any AHA membership on the Beer Enthusiast Online Store ( enter the promotional code: 09bigbrew and a copy of Brewing Classic Styles will automatically be added to their basket

Again the Code is:

This is only good for this weekend. Remember you must be a member of the AHA in order to participate in our Pro Am competition later this month.



E-mail to Ken Carman from Joey and Jan Bowman…

Hello Ken,
I just wanted to give a big HELLO to you guys and all my brewing friends out there. It will be 3 years in September since I have brewed and my one and only Grandson was born in that September, maybe there something with the amount of time I have on my hands these days. And we have our second Grandson coming in this September. I have been missing some good homebrew porters and ales and only have had a Yazoo when I am in the Nashville area. I also miss all my good friends at the Music City Brew Club. Are some of you guys still getting together at Bosco’s on Wednesday evening? If so I may just surprise you guys sometime. I have it heavy on my mind to start brewing again, I will see. Ken, can you please forward this to the club, I want everyone to know we are still alive and well here in Carthage and hope everyone is doing well also. Take care and we hope to see ya soon

Joey and Jan


Meeting of the Music City Brewers- 4/11/2009
Meeting at R J & April Tazelaar’s Home

Attendees: Bill Russell, Millie & Ken Carman, Karen Lassiter, Chris Rueger, Ross & Beth O’Shea, Phil & Liz Snyder, Jonathan Adams, Geoff Henderson, Jami Smith, Tom Vista, Tom Gentry, Ross Gum

Bill started out the meeting thanking R.J. Tazelaar for hosting the meeting at his home. Steve Johnson was unable to attend- no Treasurer’s report. There were no competitions since last meeting, so no report.

National Homebrew Day was discussed which will be celebrated 5/2/09. It will be held in the Bosco’s parking lot once again. This will be in lieu of the regular May Music City Brewers meeting, possibly an impromptu meeting may occur, although nothing formal. MCB members can get an initial 7 gallons of wort per brewer. You can get up to 14 gallons after all brewers have their initial 7 gallons until the wort runs out. You will have to provide your own yeast and hops. Some Bosco’s yeast may be available, please contact Fred Scheer ahead of time. You will have to provide your own sanitized container if requesting this. MCB members will need to pay for their own lunches this year. Music City Brewer’s club will be providing some appetizers during Homebrew Day. You will need to bring your own equipment and water hoses. (Although these can be shared.) The wort base style will be the same as last year: Pale Recipe with Crystal 80. A legal pad was passed around to sign up for the 1st runnings which should be available starting at 8:30 am.

The ProAm selection will be held some time on May 30th at Bosco’s. The entry fee for the ProAm is $10. If you are a winner of this competition you will have to join the AHA, if not already a member. Time is still negotiable, but probably will be around 11:00 am- 12:30 pm or thereabouts. Some judges will be needed, which is dependent on the number of entries. There will be about 3-4 tables with judges attending. This will be judged by BJCP guidelines. You can be from a group who brewed one entry together, but only 1 winner from the group is eligible for the prize. As of now the plan is that final judges will be Fred Scheer & Karen Lassiter. The Pro-Am is an opportunity for a homebrewer’s beer recipe to be brewed in professional equipment in conjunction with Bosco’s. This Pro-Am beer will then be entered in the Great American Beer Festival held in Denver, Colorado in the Fall. For capacity reasons an Ale is preferred, or a lager if the recipe can be converted to an ale. Generally, the MCB Club helps with part of the cost of traveling to Denver, which will be the same as last year: $350.00, to help with air fare & motel room etc. Bosco’s pays the entry fee to the GABF.

The Bluegrass Cup- Bock Club (Brewers of Central Kentucky) will be held in Lexington, KY on 5/16/09. Kevin Patterson is the contact/organizer of the Bock club & this competition. Jonathan Adams confirmed there was a hotel within walking distance. The competition will be held at the Red Mile bar with a hotel adjacent to this within walking distance. Jonathan Adams will e-mail the club again with further details. They are still looking for Judges for the competition. You can enter brews between now and May 9th. Judges can bring their beers with them to enter on the day of the competition. You mighty want to enter your beer(s) in advance.

There is also the Brewmaster’s of Alpharetta Competition to be held the same weekend (May 15-17) in Alpharetta, GA norteast of Atlanta. Judges and stewards are needed for this competition as well. Deadline for entries is May 9th. If anyone is able to transport beers to Alpharetta for the competition that would be helpful. Mark Forrester will be contacted to see if he may be able to set something up as last year.

The Annual Memphis Competition will be held in Memphis next weekend April 16-18th. A number of MCB members will be attending & judging.

Karen Lassiter, who is a beer Assistant at Bosco’s, mentioned that it seems that the number of people that attend the impromptu Wednesday night MCB get together has lessened the first quarter of the year. Perhaps it is the economy, but the number of barrels sold at Bosco’s has decreased from approximately 62 barrels to 45 barrels. Just a reminder to “support your own.” Karen announced that Olde Fool is now on tap as well as Glacial Pale Ale & Export Stout.

Ken Carman announced that his current article on “Good for What Ales You” section (tab is Beertopia) of his LTSaloon website has an article on “What Happened to Prior’s Double Dark.” This was a beer available in the 1970’s. Ken has also been in contact with Fred Matt from Utica Club Brewery, who informed him that soon his Saranac beers will soon be distributed in Tennessee. The Saranac beer series has well over 25 styles of beer. Ken and Millie have brought a number of Saranac beers in the past to MCB etc meetings; enjoyed by the likes of Ed Tate. Once again Ken reminded all that any articles on beer are welcome for submission. See Ken Carman for further details and/or check out the website at the link below.

Chris Rueger announced the “Beer Wars” movie to be shown at the Green Hills Regal Cinema on Thursay April 16th at 7 pm. You can reserve a ticket in advance from Fandango for $15. A group of club members will meet in advance and go into the movie together for the showing. More details will be sent by e-mail from Jonathan Adams, Communications chair.

There will be no May meeting. National Homebrew day on May 2nd will be in lieu of the meeting. Jonathan will check with Mike Shew to see if he may be able to host the June meeting.

The Music City Brewers competition will be held Oct 10th. John Palmer will be the speaker. The Great American Beer Festival will be held the 3rd weekend in September.

The formal business of the meeting ended and the Beer tastings and mini-competition followed.

Tastings included: Chris Rueger EESB – an Extra strength ESB , Tom Gentry’s Smoked Robust Porter, and he also offered an experimental cola-brew called Prison Bitch: proving you can brew almost anything but… why? Jonathan Adams “Worm Dirt” Extra Stout (Hopefully not “with.”), Bunker Bunch’s – MaiBock, Belgian Tripel & Bo Pils, Ken & Millie Carman- Coffee Stout (From Bluegrass Brewpub- Louisville KY), Ross & Beth O’Shea’s Bock

Mini -competition held for extract beers of various styles. They had to be at least 50% extract. Winners were:

1. Philsner’s (aka Phil Snyder) Old Ale
2. Dry Stout – Geoff Henderson
3. Bock – Ross O’Shea

Members attending- 15
Submitted: Millie Carman – Secretary

From Tom Gentry


I have some liquid yeast that are approaching the “Best By” Date
that I am offering up free to anyone that orders their hops and
specialty grains from Rebel Brewer.
(one free yeast with each $8 in ingredients)
When you place your order online,
just leave your yeast requests in the order notes.
These are first come, first served, so list an alternate or two.
(or you can e-mail me before you order to see if the yeast you
want is still available). Look over the list and maybe it will give you
some inspiration on what you want to do with your wort on brew day.


Also, we are getting really busy and have some jobs available.
Right now we are looking for a full time production manager
and a part time packer or two. We are looking within the
brewing community first, I would much rather hire brewers.
If you are available, or looking for an exciting career change,
e-mail me and let me know when you are available to come
in and talk about it.

(All yeasts are within 6 months from production date)

Wyeast XL Smack Packs
1007 German ale
1010 American Wheat
1028 London Ale
1332 Northwest Ale
1338 European Ale
1388 Belgian Strong
3056 Bavarian Wheat
3333 German Wheat
3463 Forbidden Fruit
3522 Belgian Ardeness
3638 Bavarian Wheat
3724 Saison
3787 Trappist
3942 Belgian Wheat
2000 Budvar Lager
2001 Pilsner Urquell
2007 Pilsen Lager
2035 American Lager
2042 Danish Lger
2278 Czech Pils
2565 Kolsch
2308 Munich Lager
2633 Octoberfest

White Labs Tubes
004 Irish Ale
008 East Coast Ale
011 European Ale
023 Burton Ale
028 Edinburgh jAle
029 Kolsch
041 Pacific ale
300 Hefeweizen
400 Wit
500 Trappist
550 Belgian Ale
565 Saison
570 Belgian Golden Ale
802 Czech Budjvar
810 San Francisco Lager
800 Pilsner Lager
820 Oktoberfest
833 Bock
838 South German Lager
840 American Lager
645 Brett. Claussenii
653 Brett. Lambicus
677 Lactobacillus Delbrueckii

From Tom “the Hop Tyrant” Vista…

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick update on the results of the Bluff City Brew Off.

The Music City Brewers did quite well winning a bunch of awards, of which I have your score sheets and medals. The MCB did quite well and here is the MCB winners list in no particular order.

Bunker Bunch Brewers – 1st place 2B

Bohemian Pilsner; 2nd Place 5C

Doppelbock – this was Ed Tate’s Last beer he brewed with us and in general.

Phil Snyder – 1st Place Swartzbier, 1st Place American Amber, 2nd or 3rd for Steam Beer – not sure on that one don’t have the medals in front of me.

Bill Russell – 3rd place 14B American ipa, 2nd place 11C Northern English Brown

Cliff Reinert – 3rd place 15A Weizen

Chris Rueger – 2nd Place 12A Brown Porter
Mark Forrester -2nd Place 16C Saison;

1st Place 17F Gueuze; 3rd Place18B Belgian Dubbel

Brandon Jones – 2nd Place 10A American Pale; 2nd Place 17B Flanders Red; 3rd Place 21A Spice Beer

At any rate that is the list, a good time was had by all… thanks also to all the MCB members who made the trip down to Memphis to participate
Ken and Millie Carman, Tom Gentry, Phil Snyder, Karen and Jack Lassiter and myself.

For all the brewers congratulations, and keep up the good brewing – next competition on the calender for the Mid South is the one in Alpharetta in mid May – believe the entries will be due here in a couple of weeks and I think Mark Forrester is going to ferry them down there, so let’s get those together. Also the first year for The BOCK club having a competition in Lexington is the same weekend in May lets see if we can some entries for them as well. If you register those and pay for them online we can hand deliver the day of as several of us are going to make the trip. Thanks again and good work.

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