Club Notes: Music City Brewers

Nashville, TN area

Minutes of the meeting of the Music City Brewers
6/13/2009 at Bosco’s- Cool Springs in Franklin, TN in conjunction with MBAA Mtg Beer Stabilization etc Presentations


Bill Russell, Millie Carman, Karen Lassiter, Chris Rueger, Ross & Beth O’Shea, Phil Snyder, Jonathan Adams, Geoff Henderson, Jami Smith & Toni Smith, Tom Vista, Ross Gum, Kenneth Gum, Mike Shew, Doug Williams,, Brannon Seagroves, Adam Hargrove, R.J. Tazelaar, Gil Cupp, Jay Sadler, Matt Hargrove, Brandon Jones, Steve Johnson, Rodney Borders, Mark Forrester

Bill started out the meeting thanking Fred Sheer for allowing Bosco’s to host our meeting at the Bosco’s Cool Springs location. Steve Johnson gave the Treasurer’s report.

Previous Balance – $ 5,408.42
Current Balance- $ 5,131.54
Expenses since last meeting – $633.88
National Homebrew Day – $300.00: contribution to Boscos’s – $250.00, Club purchased food – $ 50.00 Children’s Miracle Network Donation (from 2008 Competition revenue) – $ 250.00
Go Daddy renewal for website – $83.88

Income since last meeting $357.00: Membership Dues – $282.00> — Competetion Van rental refund – $ 75.00

Current lifetime members- 4 Regular members – 56… number of 2008 members who have not renewed for 2009 – 11

Steve Johnson gave a report on the Music City Brewers Festival to be held this year Saturday 7/25/2009. It will be a little bit different than last year. There will be two (2) sessions. First session- 12 pm – 4:00 pm; Second session: 6 pm- 10 pm. Music City Brewers will need to buy a ticket to either one session or the other / or both. Those volunteering to help sell T-shirts for the Festival in the booth, our club will help defray $5.00 of the cost (approximately per session.) The only exception being Candace Price with Clear Channel needs six (6) volunteers to act as “steve-a-doers” These folks will deliver ice and kegs to the different tents for the vendors as needed. They will probably be delivering the kegs, ice etc between 10 am – 12 pm & 4-6 pm and then be free to sample/roam the festival as well. Volunteers to be steve-a-doers(?) and receive the Lanyard passes ( 6 needed for both sessions) Volunteers so far are: Phil Snyder, R. J. Tazelaar, Ross Gum, Adam Hargrove. (If you would like to volunteer please e-mail Steve Johnson, Bill Russell or member of the Board)

Travis Hicks announced that the judging for the beer to be entered for the Pro-Am from Blackstone would be judged on 6/24/2009. Deadline for getting beers to Blackstone is 6/22/2009.

Discussion was held about plans for the Music City Brewer’s Annual Competion to be held the weekend of October 9- 10th this Fall. This year the Club is planning on changing the venue of the Competition to having it at The Briley Parkway Holiday Inn Express . One of the reasons for the change is to try to vie for the Regionals for the AHA Competition in 2010. The Board and Competition Committee have been working on this since April. There were 2 Board Meetings that were held and a meeting at the Holiday Inn Express with the Hotel Staff to see the venue / possibilities. Plan’s are to have a Friday Night Dinner; buffet-style, with beers to match (suggestions for the best pairings) etc. John Palmer will be the guest speaker after the dinner. There will be a Hospitality Suite prior to and after the dinner and perhaps an afternoon brew session in part of the back parking lot. We will need at least 8 beers for just the Friday night session and “Club crawl” between rooms and the Hospitality Suite etc. Plans are to do all the judging at the Saturday session, probably 2 Judge sessions at the Holiday Inn (depending on entries, number of judges etc. This would be followed by our traditional “town Pub Crawl” and then come back for the Award’s ceremony. For Hosting purposes, as we the Music City Brewers are the Hosts of this Competition (as well as safety concerns), we are highly encouraging all Music City Brewer’s to stay at the Holiday Inn both Friday night and Saturday nights. We are also hoping to get club members to commit to making 2 beers (kegs etc.) for the Competition. (For the Club crawl, dinner & Awards show.) Bill said we need to commit $250.00 to book the hotel, further details for deadlines for the competition and further details to follow. Discount room costs are $99.00 per night for a double. Jay Sadler expressed concern that perhaps the decision on the venue change should be made by the entire membership rather than just the Board, perhaps at the July meeting. R.J. Tazelaar also asked what the $ 250.00 deposit would obligate us to? I believe some concerns were regarding the down-turn in the economy, insurance etc. Bill responded that we are looking into all aspects have to put the down payment on the hotel now. Lunch on Saturday will be comp’d for the judges (costs to be picked up by the Club.) We also hope to get a reduced rate for the Friday night dinner for club members. Cost is $35.00 , hope to get the reduced rate of $25.00 for Music City members. We are hoping to have the Murfreesboro Club, Clarksville Carboys, Antioch Sud Suckers as well as some of the other clubs surrounding us involved and also bring their beer to share. Hopefully we can encourage the Memphis Club, Rocket City Brewers, the Alpharetta,GA club, Knoxville club, and the Lexington BOCK group and Louisville clubs to get involved. Geoff Henderson and Jonathan Adams volunteered to contact their contacts with the Murfreesboro club and the Antioch SubSuckers and talk-up the Competition ASAP. Jonathan Adams volunteered to be the Dinner/Beer Coordinator.

Next meeting will be held at Mike Shew’s house on July 11, 2009.

The formal business of the meeting ended, and the MBAA presentation on beer stabilization followed. Mike with SS Steiner/Hopsteiner did a presentation on hops. His presentation included a discussion of the hop shortage of a couple of years ago, how this was dealt with and how the harvest was much better this year etc. This included discussion of and later raffling off of a couple of experimental hop varieties (created to cut down on one of the problems of growing hops — mildewing). That was followed by Rolf D Schmidt’s presentation on different stabilization products from the company he works with ATP (American Tartaric Products). He is the brewery division manager. His presentation was a wonderful powerpoint presentation of some of the products (Comparing and contrasting different aspects, effects etc) that can be added to beer to extend shelf life etc.

Fred introduced Kim Moynihan whose husband Mark Moynihan was injured in a welding accident on April 11, 2009 at the Calhoun’s restaurant/brewery in Knoxville, TN. Kim informed the group that due to Mark’s injuries that were/are so severe that he is called “the golden child” at Vanderbilt burn unit. He is only one(1) of 100 people receiving regenerated cloned skin. Since this comes from stem cell research, which was severely reduced in the George W. Bush administration with limited stem cell lines, they have to petition the FDA under the Compassionate Lifesaving provision each time grafted skin is needed from Boston, MA. This needs to be done to receive regenerated skin every 16 days. So far the treatment has worked, as Kim said “so far so good.” In an injury like this the major complication is infection as well as rejection of the skin grafts. Each skin graft utilizes a postage stamp size piece of Mark’s skin, cadaver skin & then the cloned skin in checkerboard fashion. This is also a very painful process. Mark has good days and bad days. The prognosis still remains poor, but with this being Day # 65, each day improves his survival chances. Mark and is still looking for being in ICU another 3 months at least and in the hospital for at least a year. So keep Mark in your prayers and send positive energy his way.

A number of items were raffled off with all the proceeds going to Mark and his family. In addition to the raffles, a couple of the prizes were auctioned. Bill Russell received a dinner for 2 at Blackstone. There is also an on-line auction which was offered by Yazoo. The offer is : For Linus at Yazoo to brew a beer with the winning brewer with their recipe at Yazoo. This is a great opportunity for someone to get to brew one of their recipes on a big system like the one at Yazoo and help out a good cause. If you are interested please e-mail Fred at with your bid amount. This is ongoing through July 1st (as stated at the meeting,) but please at least let Fred know ASAP you are interested. He is helping coordinate this effort. The bidding might be opened up to other clubs etc in the area.

**Remember all the proceeds will go to Mark Moynihan and his family to help with expenses incurred in Mark’s ongoing treatment and recovery **

Beer tastings followed. Tastings included: Karen Lassiter- APA & ESB turned IPA , Geoff Henderson’s Lockland Gypsy Brown , Brandon Jones’s – Kitchen Sink Brown, Mark Forrester’s – Dopplebock & American Barleywine, Bunker Bunch’s – American Wheat, Biere de Garde, Bottle Conditioned Tripel, Bill Russell’s Twin Oak Pale Ale.

Members attending- 23, 3 Visitors.

Submitted: Millie Carman – Secretary

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