Pensacola/Emerald Coast area
Make sure you are checking the calendar on the website once in a while to see all the upcoming events and details for each.
March 18th – Thursday of this week – Brewer’s meeting
March 20th – Saturday 10:00am – Wine Making group to rack wine at Shady Lady
March 27th – Saturday 1:00pm – Abita Brewery Craw-fish Boil
April 10th – Saturday 10:00am – Wine-making group to bottle & taste wine at Shady Lady
April 23rd – Friday 5:00pm – Hot Glass Cold Brew at the Belmont Art Center
Pat Johnson
Just a reminder that this coming Saturday is the big Saint Patty Day shindig at Mark and Chris Robertson’s place. The details are on the web-site’s calendar and we will also be judging a sh—t load of great STOUT beers in the Homebrew Club’s STOUT homebrew competition. I think there will be nearly 50 gallons of various stouts to sample and vote on (People’s choice to determine the winner). So get you green on and don’t plan on drinking a bunch of transparent beers! Also, a reminder, this is an “adults only” party (21 years old or older).
Just roll down the windows when you get close and listen for the Bagpipe Band and the smell of Corned Beef!
Pat Johnson 850-261-9218
Thursday Night Brewers Group
Membership is open to all club members. The only requirement is that you bring a sample of an adult beverage that you made. Beginning April 11th meetings will be held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 4PM. Only those who sign up will get announcements concerning the group. This will be the last reminder about this group. You may join any time in the future.
We have pushed the Wine-making demo back a week. The demo will now take place on Saturday March the 6th at 10:00am. I had a bunch of folks that wanted to brew beer the 27th and so we’ll be brewing beer on the 27th at my shop and doing the wine demo on the 6th of March. Call me with any questions or just ask at the meeting on Sunday.
Pat Johnson
Dates for up coming Brew club events
Big Brew Day———-May 1st
Spring BrewBQ——–May 22nd
Locations and details will be announced soon
PS don’t forget about 2010 dues. Cost of renewal goes up to $50 if not paid by March 31st.
Four Winds has just received 24 bottles of Dogfishhead Pangea. Get it while you can!
Still have a select few beers avail on the XTREME Beer Sale. Most are 50% off or better!
–Mike @ FourWinds
The folks that have RSVP’d for the wine making class so far are….
Steve Lawhon
Rex McInnis
Buddy & Donna Mogle
Rob & Karey Young
Jim Martin
The event is going to be held at the shady Lady on Saturday morning 10:00am on February 27th.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to make wine from the experts at the Shady Lady.
Pat Johnson
strong>#1 Spring BrewBQ
Is anyone interested in hosting the spring cookout this year? Let me know ASAP.#2 Shirts
Is anyone interested in purchasing a shirt with the club logo on it? We can get 3 different styles
1) Screen printed Tshirt- cost about $15???????
2) Embroidered Tshirt- the last ones we did cost members $16
3) Embroidered Shirt with collar- the ones a few of us still have cost $35If you are interested let me know ASAP.
March 20th in the Saint Patty Day party at Mark Robertson’s house (This will serve as our March Club Meeting)
March 20th is the Club-Only Stout competition judging at Mark’s party.
Please let me know if you plan to donate beer to the February Hot Glass Cold Brew event. Bring beer to everything and brew it if you can!
Pat Johnson
Hey All,
We’re getting down to the wire, so break out those brew kettles and get ready for our first ( for this year) club only beer competition! Here’s the details:
When: March 13th
Where: Mark Robertson’s, Club’s St. Patrick’s Day Party
What: Your best homebrewed stout!Amount: Any amount you wish; bottle, growler, a 5 gal. corny keg… just keep in mind that this will be a ‘people’s choice’ award for the winning entry, so you’ll want to have enough so everyone can get a taste. Winner or Winner’s will be announced at the party!
Questions??- drop me an email
Cheers- Gary
St Patricks Day Party at Mark Robertsons. March 13th. Starts at 2PM. Bring beer,a side dish, snack, lawn chair & beer. Only Rick & Carol, Dusty, Tracey, Jim & Karen, Steve F, Lee W, Sean & Tara, Buddy & Donna, and Pat have sent RSVP. If you even think you might come, Please let me or Mark know ASAP. Check club web site callendar for directions.
Dusty & Ryan, Hal, Jim, Sean, Gary, Pat, Mark, Buddy, Mike Nelson, and Richard have entered the club stout competition. Any more need to let me or Gary know ASAP.
New posts happen daily, although it’s a tad irregular. Best bet is to to check one day then wait a few and check again. Thank you both for visiting. We have several writers and the Professor surfs the net looking for material you may not see elsewhere.