Club Update: Saratoga Thoroughbrews

Hi All,
First up is a reminder that our club will be meeting at OSB at 7pm this Thursday, August 5th.  We will be judging style category 16, but also feel free to bring whatever you wish to share.

Second, there will be 2 beer-themed events in Old Forge/Beaver River Station; the first will be on the 21st of August, the second on Labor Day.  Accommodations are available for those wishing to spend a night or 2.  Contact Ken Carman for more info: , or go to: for a full rundown of the events and how to get there…which isn’t easy, but should be worth the trip!

The competition/fundraiser previously scheduled for Sept 25th at the Local is being moved/rescheduled due to a scheduling conflict.  Details are (quickly) being worked out, but the tentative date is now Oct 2nd, and the location will possibly be The Madison Brewery in Bennington, VT.  This will be a BJCP/AHA event, involving both homebrewers and commercial breweries.  More info to follow as soon as everything is finalized.  Entries will be EITHER 2 cases OR 1 5 gallon keg due to this also being a fundraiser, and kegs will be returned as quickly as possible to entrants not in attendance.

The 15th annual Knickerbocker Battle of the Brews is almost here!!  I will be making a call for judges and stewards in the next week or 2, but those interested in volunteering in other capacities as well should contact Chris Gersey at: .  There are many jobs that need doing in the weeks and days leading up to the competition, including: pickup of entries from drop-off points, logging in of entries, setting up the morning of the competition, and clean up afterwards.  Also, anyone wishing to assist in the obtaining of prizes for the raffle, as well as steward and judge “goodies”, should contact Steve Breault as soon as possible: .

There is still no word as to the start date for the next judges course.  As soon as I hear from George DePiro, I will pass this on.

Finally, a big thanks to all who participated in the fund raiser at OSB last weekend!  The club raised $940, AFTER all expenses!!  Special thanks to Dan, Kim, and Dave behind the bar for all their help during the event, and for their donations of prizes to the raffle, Chris Gersey for setting up and manning the jockey box to keep the cold beer flowing, Paul and Wendy Krebs for their delicious pizzas (41, I think!), Paul Fetterroll for manning the grill, Rick McCarthy for his help with the 50/50 raffle, Adam Schmichael and the Adirondack Pub and Brewery for the donation of several kegs of beer and assorted shirts and glassware for the raffle,(Rick and Adam also provided homebrew) John Fura for all his help during the event, John Beale,  the Troy Brew Club, and Les Swinton for their donation of beer, Ben Haynes for the pork whick lasted 45 minutes!,and especially to Jim Azotea, who organized the event, coordinated the volunteers, bought the food, brewed the beer, and then played screaming guitar for 2 full sets with The Full Version Band!  The band was rockin’ the house despite the oppressive heat/humidity of about 120 people packing the OSB taproom.  Sorry if I missed anybody…thanks to all!



I did get a chance to stop by for the fund raiser, and here are some of the pictures I took. Please excuse the quirky camera I have. I’m still figuring it out. And apologies for taking so long. Obviously: no Staples in Beaver River… I rely on those for processing, and once I saw what I had: GACK! Greg’s there and a very hazy pic of a sample being poured. Maybe when I judge in November I can get better pics and do more for the cause. If anyone does make it to the Station for one the beer tastings I’ll obviously be cover that to. I have to: I’m the “server!”

Ken Carman

Todd Snyder and several western NY clubs are banding together to try to bring the NHC to Niagara Falls in 2014.

Part of the bidding process is having sufficient volunteers in place to ensure the convention will go off without a problem. That said, anyone willing to volunteer to do any of the jobs listed below, or even to assist someone else doing a job, please contact Todd Snyder at: , and let him know you are interested. It would be great to have the NHC in NY, but this takes a lot of effort to pull off successfully.

Cheers, and hope to see you there,

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