Have Beer, Will Travel

This is just wrong-PGA

Visitors navigate across the Fahy Bridge in Bethlehem with their beer mugs as they make their way to Musikfest on the North side of town Friday night. (KEVIN MINGORA, THE MORNING CALL / August 6, 2011) Musikfest's north-south split could cause some revelers to venture into trouble.

Written by Andrew McGill for mcall.com


Caroline Simock doesn’t know it, but she’s a rebel.

Rounding the Fahy Bridge with her husband, the Neffs woman took a swig from her cup of beer, a scene as old as Musikfest. Where else, after all, does a city founded by Moravians allow its streets to run thick with mugs of beer — if only for 10 days a year?

But as Simock walked past a Bethlehem Police Department squad car, the officer inside had every right to hand her a ticket.

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