Beer Term ‘O the Day: BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program)
Encourage knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the world’s diverse beer, mead, and cider styles;
Promote, recognize, and advance beer, mead, and cider tasting, evaluation, and communication skills; and
Develop standardized tools, methods, and processes for the structured evaluation, ranking and feedback of beer, mead, and cider.We certify and rank beer judges through an examination and monitoring process, sanction competitions, and provide educational resources for current and future judges.
The BJCP was founded in 1985 and has administered the Beer Judge Examination to 8,632 individuals worldwide. 5,137 are currently active judges in the program, with 771 holding the rank of National or higher. Since we started keeping detailed records, our members have judged over 1,041,977 beers and we have sanctioned over 6,527 competitions.
James Visger, more powerful than a very loco, locomotive, able to leap pint glasses with a few attempts… Nah, he’s from Clarksville, TN and presidente’ of The Clarksville Carboys. We just like teas\ing our writers here at PGA.